Numerical list of courses

Alphabetical list of courses

C02001 Doctor of Philosophy
C02005 Doctor of Project Management
C02006 Doctor of Facility Management
C02014 Doctor of Philosophy
C02018 Doctor of Philosophy
C02019 Doctor of Philosophy
C02020 Doctor of Creative Arts
C02024 Doctor of Philosophy
C02025 Doctor of Nursing
C02026 Doctor of Midwifery
C02027 Doctor of Juridical Science
C02028 Doctor of Philosophy
C02029 Doctor of Philosophy
C02030 Doctor of Philosophy
C02031 Doctor of Philosophy
C02032 Doctor of Philosophy
C02037 Doctor of Philosophy
C02039 Doctor of Philosophy
C02041 Doctor of Philosophy
C02042 Doctor of Education
C02047 Doctor of Philosophy
C02048 Doctor of Philosophy
C03001 Master of Architecture (Research)
C03002 Master of Applied Science in Building Studies (Research)
C03004 Master of Business in Accounting (Research)
C03005 Master of Business in Management (Research)
C03006 Master of Business in Finance and Economics (Research)
C03007 Master of Arts in Leisure Studies (Research)
C03008 Master of Arts in Tourism Studies (Research)
C03009 Master of Arts in Sports Studies (Research)
C03010 Master of Arts in Arts Management (Research)
C03011 Master of Business in Marketing (Research)
C03012 Master of Design (Research)
C03013 Master of Engineering in Groundwater Management (Research)
C03017 Master of Engineering (Research)
C03018 Master of Arts in Humanities and Social Sciences (Research)
C03024 Master of Laws (Research)
C03025 Master of Science in Computing Sciences (Research)
C03026 Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences (Research)
C03029 Master of Science (Research)
C03032 Master of Sustainable Futures
C03034 Master of Arts in International Studies (Research)
C03038 Master of Education (Honours)
C03041 Master of Nursing (Honours)
C03042 Master of Midwifery (Honours)
C03043 Master of Health Services (Honours)
C03044 Master of Creative Arts
C03045 Master of Arts in Writing (Research)
C04006 Master of Project Management
C04007 Master of Planning
C04008 Master of Property Development
C04009 Master of Facility Management
C04014 Master of Business Administration
C04018 Master of Business Administration
C04031 Executive Master of Business Administration
C04037 Master of Business in Accounting
C04038 Master of Business in Accounting and Finance
C04048 Master of Business in Finance
C04052 Master of Quantitative Finance
C04055 Master of Management in Community Management
C04058 Master of Management in Event Management
C04060 Master of Management in Tourism Management
C04061 Master of Management in Arts Management
C04062 Master of Management in Sport Management
C04067 Master of Business in Marketing
C04068 Master of Business in International Marketing
C04072 Master of Design
C04077 Master of Engineering in Groundwater Management
C04085 Master of Engineering Management
C04090 Master of Engineering
C04094 Master of Engineering Management
C04097 Master of Engineering Studies
C04098 Master of Environmental Engineering Management
C04102 Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration
C04106 Master of Arts in Journalism
C04107 Master of Media Arts and Production
C04108 Master of Arts in Communication Management
C04109 Master of Arts in Creative Writing
C04132 Master of Midwifery (Conversion)
C04140 Master of Health Services Management
C04143 Master of Laws
C04145 Master of Dispute Resolution
C04147 Master of Legal Studies
C04148 Master of Law and Legal Practice
C04149 Master of International Trade Law
C04150 Master of Industrial Property
C04157 Master of Information Technology
C04158 Master of Interactive Multimedia
C04160 Master of Science in Internetworking
C04161 Master of Business in Information Technology Management
C04167 Master of Science in Hydrogeology and Groundwater Management
C04169 Master of Science in Ecology and Groundwater Studies
C04170 Master of Science Management
C04174 Master of Occupational Health and Safety Management
C04185 Master of Arts in Indigenous Social Policy
C04203 Master of Arts in Information and Knowledge Management
C04204 Master of Arts in Social Inquiry
C04205 Master of Arts in International Studies
C04206 Master of Applied Psychotherapy
C04207 Master of Engineering Studies Master of Engineering Management
C04212 Master of Animation
C04213 Master of Science in Professional Computing
C04214 Master of Science in Advanced Computing
C04215 Master of Science in Advanced Computing (Extended)
C04217 Master of Information Technology (non-IT graduates)
C04218 Master of Information Technology (Extended)
C04220 Master of Digital Architecture
C04221 Master of Commercial Software Engineering Management
C04223 Master of Software Engineering Management
C04224 Master of Science in Internetworking (Extended)
C04225 Master of Information Technology Management
C04226 Master of Business in Value Chain Management
C04227 Master of Business in Human Resource Management
C04228 Master of Nursing
C04229 Master of Business in Management
C04230 Master of Arts in Music Therapy
C04231 Master of Arts
C04232 Master of Education
C06006 Graduate Diploma in Urban Estate Management
C06009 Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
C06017 Graduate Diploma in Event Management
C06019 Graduate Diploma in Design
C06033 Graduate Diploma in Local Government Management
C06037 Graduate Diploma in Journalism
C06038 Graduate Diploma in Media Arts and Production
C06039 Graduate Diploma in Communication Management
C06041 Graduate Diploma in Writing
C06055 Graduate Diploma in Law
C06058 Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
C06060 Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Management
C06064 Graduate Diploma in Applicable Mathematics
C06088 Graduate Diploma in International Studies
C06089 Graduate Diploma in Professional Information Technology
C06091 Graduate Diploma in Mathematics for Finance
C06094 Graduate Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
C06095 Graduate Diploma in Vocational and Workplace Learning
C06096 Graduate Diploma in Literacy and Numeracy
C07002 Graduate Diploma in Planning
C07004 Graduate Diploma in Project Management
C07012 Graduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance
C07018 Graduate Diploma in Management
C07019 Graduate Diploma in Community Management
C07021 Graduate Diploma in Finance
C07023 Graduate Diploma in Quantitative Finance
C07027 Graduate Diploma in Tourism Management
C07028 Graduate Diploma in Arts Management
C07029 Graduate Diploma in Sport Management
C07031 Graduate Diploma in Marketing
C07034 Graduate Diploma in Engineering in Groundwater Management
C07044 Graduate Diploma in Nursing
C07048 Graduate Diploma in Health Services Management
C07070 Graduate Diploma in Midwifery
C07073 Graduate Diploma in Australian Law
C07074 Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies
C07075 Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
C07078 Graduate Diploma in Interactive Multimedia
C07080 Graduate Diploma in Internetworking
C07081 Graduate Diploma in Operations Research
C07082 Graduate Diploma in Statistics
C07083 Graduate Diploma in Hydrogeology and Groundwater Management
C07084 Graduate Diploma in Ecology and Groundwater Studies
C07085 Graduate Diploma in Science Management
C07091 Graduate Diploma in Languages Teaching
C07095 Graduate Diploma in Indigenous Social Policy
C07105 Graduate Diploma in Knowledge Management
C07107 Graduate Diploma in Information Management
C07108 Graduate Diploma in Professional Computing
C07109 Graduate Diploma in Advanced Computing
C07110 Graduate Diploma in Commercial Software Engineering Management
C07112 Graduate Diploma in Value Chain Management
C07113 Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
C07114 Graduate Diploma in Managing Information Technology
C08001 Bachelor of Architecture
C08002 Bachelor of Teaching in Secondary Education
C09004 Bachelor of Business (Honours)
C09005 Bachelor of Management (Honours) in Leisure
C09006 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Human Movement Studies
C09007 Bachelor of Management (Honours) in Tourism
C09009 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Communication
C09018 Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
C09019 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology
C09020 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics
C09021 Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours)
C09022 Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours)
C09023 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science
C09025 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Chemistry - Forensic Science
C09026 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Chemistry
C09029 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science
C09031 Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)
C09035 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Physics
C09037 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Adult Education
C09039 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education
C09043 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Organisational Learning
C09045 Bachelor of Management (Honours) in Sport and Exercise
C09046 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nanotechnology
C10004 Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
C10007 Bachelor of Property Economics
C10011 Bachelor of Property Economics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10019 Bachelor of Arts in Adult Education and Community Management
C10020 Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10021 Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10026 Bachelor of Business
C10027 Bachelor of Business
C10039 Bachelor of Management in Leisure
C10040 Bachelor of Management in Tourism
C10041 Bachelor of Arts in Human Movement Studies
C10042 Bachelor of Arts in Human Movement Studies Graduate Diploma in Education
C10043 Bachelor of Arts in Human Movement Studies and in International Studies
C10044 Bachelor of Management in Tourism Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10045 Bachelor of Management in Leisure Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10046 Bachelor of Management in Sport and Exercise
C10047 Bachelor of Management in Sport and Exercise Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10048 Bachelor of Management in Tourism and Hospitality
C10053 Bachelor of Design in Industrial Design
C10054 Bachelor of Design in Industrial Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10055 Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles
C10056 Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10057 Bachelor of Design in Interior Design
C10058 Bachelor of Design in Interior Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10059 Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication
C10060 Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10061 Bachelor of Engineering Diploma in Engineering Practice
C10062 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Diploma in Engineering Practice
C10063 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10065 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Business
C10066 Bachelor of Engineering Science
C10067 Bachelor of Engineering
C10068 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Business Diploma in Engineering Practice
C10069 Bachelor of Engineering Science in Aerospace Operations
C10073 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science
C10074 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science Diploma in Engineering Practice
C10075 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Medical Science
C10076 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Medical Science Diploma in Engineering Practice
C10078 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Biotechnology
C10079 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Biotechnology Diploma in Engineering Practice
C10096 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Journalism)
C10097 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Media Arts and Production)
C10098 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Communication)
C10099 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Writing and Cultural Studies)
C10100 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Social Inquiry)
C10102 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Journalism) and in International Studies
C10103 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Media Arts and Production) and in International Studies
C10104 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Communication) and in International Studies
C10105 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Writing and Cultural Studies) and in International Studies
C10106 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Social Inquiry) and in International Studies
C10115 Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science
C10117 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology
C10122 Bachelor of Nursing
C10123 Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10124 Bachelor of Laws
C10125 Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws
C10126 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws
C10129 Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10130 Bachelor of Laws in Australian Indigenous Law
C10131 Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws
C10132 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Laws
C10133 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Laws
C10134 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Social Inquiry) Bachelor of Laws
C10136 Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws
C10137 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Laws
C10139 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Writing and Cultural Studies) Bachelor of Laws
C10140 Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Laws
C10141 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice Bachelor of Laws
C10143 Bachelor of Information Technology
C10148 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
C10150 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10152 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice
C10154 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
C10155 Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance
C10156 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10157 Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10158 Bachelor of Mathematics and Computing
C10161 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10162 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Business
C10163 Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Business
C10164 Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10166 Bachelor of Science
C10167 Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10168 Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10169 Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Business
C10170 Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology
C10172 Bachelor of Biotechnology
C10174 Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science - Forensic Biology
C10179 Bachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry
C10184 Bachelor of Medical Science
C10186 Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine
C10192 Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics
C10206 Bachelor of Education in Primary Education
C10208 Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10209 Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies
C10214 Bachelor of Construction
C10215 Bachelor of Construction Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10219 Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
C10220 Bachelor of Mathematics and Computing Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice
C10221 Bachelor of Science in Urban Ecology
C10224 Bachelor of Mathematics and Computing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10225 Bachelor of Midwifery
C10227 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Forensics
C10228 Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology
C10229 Bachelor of Science in Games Development
C10231 Bachelor of Arts in Organisational Learning
C10232 Bachelor of Arts in Organisational Learning and in International Studies
C10233 Bachelor of Education in Adult Education
C10234 Bachelor of Education in Adult Education Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
C10235 Bachelor of Accounting
C10236 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Information and Media)
C10237 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Information and Media) and in International Studies
C10238 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Information and Media) Bachelor of Laws
C11001 Graduate Certificate in Planning
C11004 Graduate Certificate in Urban Estate Management
C11005 Graduate Certificate in Project Management
C11008 Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
C11015 Graduate Certificate in Accounting and Finance
C11017 Graduate Certificate in Accounting
C11021 Graduate Certificate in Management
C11024 Graduate Certificate in Community Management
C11027 Graduate Certificate in Finance
C11033 Graduate Certificate in Arts Management
C11035 Graduate Certificate in Tourism Management
C11037 Graduate Certificate in Sport Management
C11038 Graduate Certificate in Event Management
C11039 Graduate Certificate in Marketing
C11048 Graduate Certificate in Engineering
C11051 Graduate Certificate in Environmental Engineering Management
C11053 Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management
C11054 Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management
C11057 Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management
C11058 Graduate Certificate in Journalism
C11060 Graduate Certificate in Public Relations
C11066 Graduate Certificate in Screenwriting
C11067 Graduate Certificate in Writing
C11068 Graduate Certificate in Film and Video
C11069 Graduate Certificate in New Media
C11070 Graduate Certificate in Sound
C11071 Graduate Certificate in Editing and Publishing
C11106 Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Nursing
C11107 Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management
C11109 Graduate Certificate in Nursing Management
C11115 Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and Management
C11116 Graduate Certificate in Perioperative Nursing
C11117 Graduate Certificate in Anaesthetics and Recovery Room Nursing
C11118 Graduate Certificate in Critical Care Nursing
C11119 Graduate Certificate in Neuroscience Nursing
C11125 Graduate Certificate in Dispute Resolution
C11128 Graduate Certificate in Legal Practice
C11129 Graduate Certificate in International Trade Law
C11130 Graduate Certificate in Trade Mark Law and Practice
C11138 Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Management
C11142 Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
C11143 Graduate Certificate in Interactive Multimedia
C11145 Graduate Certificate in Internetworking
C11147 Graduate Certificate in Mathematical Sciences
C11149 Graduate Certificate in Ecology and Groundwater Studies
C11150 Graduate Certificate in Science Management
C11154 Graduate Certificate in Higher Education in Teaching and Learning
C11169 Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Social Policy
C11183 Graduate Certificate in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care
C11190 Graduate Certificate in Strategic IT Leadership
C11192 Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Project Management
C11193 Graduate Certificate in Cancer Nursing
C11194 Graduate Certificate in Children's Nursing
C11195 Graduate Certificate in Clinical Teaching
C11196 Graduate Certificate in Neonatal Nursing
C11197 Graduate Certificate in Advertising
C11198 Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management
C11199 Graduate Certificate in Value Chain Management
C11200 Graduate Certificate in Child and Family Health Nursing
C11201 Graduate Certificate in Acute Care Nursing
C11203 Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation
C11205 Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
C20030 Advanced Diploma in Australian Language and Culture
C20038 Diploma in Scientific Practice