University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C04227v1 Master of Business in Human Resource Management

Award(s): Master of Business in Human Resource Management (MBus)
CRICOS code: 055274G
Load credit points: 72
Course EFTSL: 1.5
Faculty/institute responsible: Business
Location: City campus

Course aims
Career options
Additional admission requirements
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Professional recognition
Other information


The Master of Business in Human Resource Management provides students with the in-depth knowledge and skills necessary to contribute at a senior level to their organisation's human resources and industrial relations functions.

The course is designed primarily for individuals who are currently employed, or show the potential for employment, at senior policy making levels in the fields of human resource management, industrial relations, occupational health and affirmative action.

Course aims

The Master of Business in Human Resource Management aims to provide leading-edge conceptual and practical understandings of human resource management in complex and unfamiliar workplace sitautions in order to facilitate management decision making.

Career options

Career options include positions in change management and general management, human resources, and organisational training and development.


This course is part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management (C11198), The Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (C07113) and the Master of Business in Human Resource Management.

Additional admission requirements

Applicants require one of the following:

  • a cognate degree from a UTS-recognised university or other tertiary education institution
  • a degree from a UTS-recognised university or other tertiary education institution and a minimum of two years' relevant work experience
  • a relevant Graduate Diploma from UTS or a UTS-recognised tertiary education institution, or
  • a relevant Graduate Certificate from UTS or a UTS-recognised tertiary education institution with at least a Credit average.

Additional recognition of prior learning

Students may be granted a maximum of eight subjects exemptions, of which four core subjects may be approved from prior undergraduate study.

Course duration and attendance

The Master of Business in Human Resource Management may be completed in three years of part-time study, or one-and-a-half years of full-time study.

Course structure

The Master of Business in Human Resource Management totals 72 credit points and consists of a combination of core and elective subjects.

Course completion requirements

STM90636 Core subjects 24cp
CBK90765 Electives 48cp
Total 72cp

Course program

The course program is shown below.

Students who wish to focus on industrial relations/industrial law may substitute the business elective with an elective from the Faculty of Law, subject to approval by the course coordinator.

21702 Industrial Relations 6cp
21720 Human Resource Management 6cp
21724 Strategic Human Resource Management 6cp
21779 Management Skills 6cp
Select 48 credit points from the following options: 48cp
21725 Organisation Development6cp 
21751 Management Research Methods6cp 
21760 Performance Management6cp 
21775 Comparative International Employment Relations6cp 
21827 Change Management6cp 
21833 Strategic Management of the Global Workforce6cp 
77946 Industrial Law (PG)6cp 
STM90635 Project electives12cp 
CBK90791 Electives (Business or Law)12cp 

Professional recognition

Australian Human Resources Institute

Students completing this degree are eligible to apply to the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) for the Professional Member (MAHRI) status and/or advancement to a higher level of membership for those who have appropriate work experience.

Other information

Further information is available from the Graduate School of Business on: