University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C11004v3 Graduate Certificate in Urban Estate Management

Award(s): Graduate Certificate in Urban Estate Management (GradCertUEstM)
UAC code: 942102 (Autumn semester), 945102 (Spring semester)
Load credit points: 24
Course EFTSL: 0.5
Faculty/institute responsible: Design, Architecture and Building
Location: City campus


This course is not offered to international students.

Course aims
Career options
Additional admission requirements
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


This course offers entry opportunities for those who may not meet the qualification or experience requirements for the higher award of Graduate Diploma in Urban Estate Management (C06006).

This course is one of the longest-standing property courses in Australia. Graduates are highly regarded throughout the property industry, both in government and the private sector. The program features flexible and innovative attendance patterns.

Course aims

The Urban Estate Management program is designed to provide valuers, real estate practitioners, property managers and other property practitioners with opportunities to enhance and extend their qualifications and expertise in the field, and provide graduates in other fields with the opportunity to extend their professional qualifications and their understanding of property development and investment issues and techniques.

Career options

Career options include positions in finance and banking, government instrumentalities and property investments and development.


On successful completion of this course, students may progress to the Graduate Diploma in Urban Estate Management (C06006) or the Master of Property Development (C04008).

Additional admission requirements

The Graduate Certificate in Urban Estate Management is for applicants who have good practical experience but may lack the professional qualifications or academic entry requirements for the Diploma. Applicants are assessed on their individual merits.

All non-degree-qualified applicants seeking admission are required to satisfy a Faculty panel that their experience is equal to the rigorous requirements of the course.

Course duration and attendance

This is a one-year, part-time course.

The attendance pattern for each subject is generally two separate two-and-a-half day blocks, usually held over a Thursday evening, Friday and Saturday.

Course structure

Students must complete 24 credit points of core program subjects. With the approval of the Director of Program, students may substitute one subject with any other postgraduate property subject.

Course completion requirements

STM90415 Property Fundamentals PG subjects 24cp
Total 24cp

Course program

The example program below is for a student commencing in Autumn semester.

Full time, Autumn commencing
Year 1
Autumn semester
12518 Property Transactions 6cp
17701 Environment and Control 6cp
12511 Building Technology and Regulation 6cp
17771 Valuation Methodology 6cp

Other information

Further information is available from the Faculty Student Administration Unit on: