University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C04108v3 Master of Arts in Communication Management

Award(s): Master of Arts in Communication Management (MA)
UAC code: 942509 (Autumn semester), 945509 (Spring semester)
CRICOS code: 018985F
Load credit points: 72
Course EFTSL: 1.5
Faculty/institute responsible: Humanities and Social Sciences
Location: City campus

Course aims
Career options
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


The Master of Arts in Communication Management is tailored to the needs of professional communicators involved in the broad field of communication management.

Course aims

Graduates of this course have:

  • a good understanding of the nature of communication and communication management
  • a sensitivity to ethical and legal issues related to communication
  • a capacity to critically reflect on the role and responsibilities of communicators
  • an understanding of contexts of communication, and
  • the capacity to analyse, design, cost and evaluate a public relations strategy and campaign.

Career options

Career options include roles in the public relations industry or roles related to communication advising, community relations, corporate communication, integrated communication, internal communication, international communication, media liaison or public affairs.


This course is part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Certificate in Public Relations (C11060), the Graduate Diploma in Communication Management (C06039), and the Master of Arts in Communication Management.

Additional recognition of prior learning

Students who have successfully completed the Graduate Certificate in Public Relations or the Graduate Diploma in Communication Management and who are admitted to this course are eligible for exemptions for completed subjects.

Students who successfully complete one or more of the Executive Certificates in Advertising offered by the UTS/Advertising Federation of Australia AdSchool, and who gain entry to the Master of Arts in Communication Management, are granted exemption from an elective subject worth up to 8 credit points.

Course duration and attendance

The course is offered on a one-and-a-half-year full-time, or equivalent part-time basis.

Course structure

The Master of Arts in Communication Management totals 72 credit points of study and consists of six compulsory 8-credit-point subjects, one 8-credit-point elective subject, and one of two Master's options comprising a further 16 credit points of study.

Full-time students are required to undertake 24 credit points per semester. Part-time students should undertake 16 credit points per semester.

Course completion requirements

57022 Managing Communication 8cp
57023 Communicating with Publics 8cp
57035 Organisational Communication Management 8cp
57024 Managing Public Communication Strategies 8cp
57025 Cross-cultural and International Communication 8cp
57028 Research for Communication Professionals 8cp
CBK90345 Electives 8cp
CBK90346 Masters option 16cp
Total 72cp

Course program

Typical course programs are shown below for both full-time and part-time students, commencing in both Autumn and Spring semesters.

Autumn commencing, full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
57022 Managing Communication 8cp
57023 Communicating with Publics 8cp
57035 Organisational Communication Management 8cp
Spring semester
57024 Managing Public Communication Strategies 8cp
57025 Cross-cultural and International Communication 8cp
57028 Research for Communication Professionals 8cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
Select 16 credit points from the following options: 16cp
CBK90347 Masters option with project16cp 
STM90484 Masters option without project16cp 
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Autumn commencing, part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
57022 Managing Communication 8cp
57023 Communicating with Publics 8cp
Spring semester
57028 Research for Communication Professionals 8cp
57025 Cross-cultural and International Communication 8cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
57035 Organisational Communication Management 8cp
57024 Managing Public Communication Strategies 8cp
Spring semester
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
Select 16 credit points from the following options: 16cp
CBK90347 Masters option with project16cp 
STM90484 Masters option without project16cp 
Spring commencing full time
Year 1
Spring semester
57022 Managing Communication 8cp
57028 Research for Communication Professionals 8cp
57023 Communicating with Publics 8cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
57035 Organisational Communication Management 8cp
57024 Managing Public Communication Strategies 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
57025 Cross-cultural and International Communication 8cp
Select 16 credit points from the following options: 16cp
CBK90347 Masters option with project16cp 
STM90484 Masters option without project16cp 
Spring commencing, part time
Year 1
Spring semester
57022 Managing Communication 8cp
57023 Communicating with Publics 8cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
57035 Organisational Communication Management 8cp
57024 Managing Public Communication Strategies 8cp
Spring semester
57025 Cross-cultural and International Communication 8cp
57028 Research for Communication Professionals 8cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
Select 16 credit points from the following options: 16cp
CBK90347 Masters option with project16cp 
STM90484 Masters option without project16cp 

Other information

Further information is available from the Faculty on: