University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C10206v4 Bachelor of Education in Primary Education

Award(s): Bachelor of Education in Primary Education (BEd)
UAC code: 602000 (CSP), 612000 (DFEE)
CRICOS code: 008763C
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 192
Course EFTSL: 4
Faculty/institute responsible: Education
Location: Kuring-gai campus

Course aims
Career options
Additional assumed knowledge
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Industrial training/professional practice
Course completion requirements
Course program
Professional recognition
Other information


This course prepares students to teach in schools from Kindergarten to Year 6. It is a practice-oriented course which produces high-quality, teacher-ready graduates through an integrated program of the latest educational theory with professional experience every semester, every year. Students continually develop teaching competence throughout the entire degree by teaching what they learn in practicum.

This course is for students who want the benefit of intensive and extensive professional experience teaching throughout their entire degree. Students also study innovative teaching methods in the key learning areas and have a wide choice of electives in which to add depth of study in fields of interest. Students have the opportunity to integrate primary education with international studies at the end of the first year and can undertake an international practicum in countries such as China, Thailand or Samoa.

Course aims

The course aims to produce primary school teachers who are teacher ready, reflective in their practice, able to manage the changing nature of teaching, have well developed interpersonal skills, keen to put current developments in learning and teaching into practice, and have a commitment to lifelong learning.

Career options

Career options include a primary school teacher (Kindergarten to Year 6) in a public or private school locally and internationally. Other options include a curriculum consultant, educational researcher or educator in a community setting such as a hospital, community or migrant education centre.

Additional assumed knowledge

Competency in English and Mathematics. For employment with the NSW Department of Education and Training to teach at primary level, students must have completed any two units of English and any two units of Mathematics in the HSC or equivalent. If students have not completed these subjects, they complete equivalent subjects during the course.

Course duration and attendance

The course duration is four years of full-time study. The course may also be undertaken at a reduced load, provided it is completed within six years.

Classes may be scheduled any time between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 9.00 p.m.

Course structure

The Bachelor of Education in Primary Education totals 192 credit points of study, made up of the following strands: Professional Experience, Curriculum Studies, Education and Contextual Studies and a wide choice of electives.

Industrial training/professional practice

Students undertake professional experience teaching in schools and/or community settings in every semester, every year, throughout the degree. In the third year, an international option is available to do practicum teaching in China, Thailand or Samoa.

Course completion requirements

STM90570 Key Learning Areas 72cp
STM90569 Professional Experience 48cp
STM90571 Contextual Studies 36cp
Select one of the following: 36cp
      CBK90438 Elective36cp 
      STM90572 Honours36cp 
Total 192cp

Course program

Example programs are given below for a student commencing in Autumn semester and undertaking the course full time with and without Honours.

Full time, without honours
Year 1
Autumn or Spring semester
029211 Social and Environmental Education 6cp
024211 English Education 1 6cp
026210 Music, Movement and Dance 6cp
028221 Learning in Science and Technology 6cp
023521 Philosophy of Education 6cp
023522 Child Development 6cp
Autumn semester
023151 Professional Experience 1: Beginning Teaching - Issues in the Primary School 6cp
Spring semester
023152 Professional Experience 2: Developing Classroom Management 6cp
Year 2
Autumn or Spring semester
027211 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education 6cp
020211 Visual Arts and Craft Education 6cp
023524 Research in Learning 6cp
023523 Sociology of Education 6cp
021310 e-Learning in the Primary School 6cp
Autumn semester
023153 Professional Experience 3: Assessment and Evaluating in Education 6cp
Spring semester
023154 Professional Experience 4: Designing Educational Programs 6cp
Year 3
Autumn or Spring semester
024212 English Education 2 6cp
028222 Society, Science, Technology and the Environment 6cp
029310 Issues in Indigenous Australian Education 6cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Autumn semester
023155 Professional Experience 5: Teaching Students with Special Educational Needs 6cp
Spring semester
023156 Professional Experience 6: Promoting Student Centred Learning 6cp
Year 4
Autumn or Spring semester
025223 Mathematics Teaching and Learning 3 6cp
024213 English Education 3 6cp
Select 24 credit points of electives 24cp
Autumn semester
023157 Professional Experience 7: Reflection on Educational Practice 6cp
Spring semester
023158 Professional Experience 8: Analysing Current Issues in Australian Education 6cp
Honours stream - Years 3 and 4
Year 3
Autumn semester
023155 Professional Experience 5: Teaching Students with Special Educational Needs 6cp
025212 Mathematics Teaching and Learning 2 6cp
024212 English Education 2 6cp
015381 Thesis Development and Appraisal 6cp
Spring semester
023156 Professional Experience 6: Promoting Student Centred Learning 6cp
028222 Society, Science, Technology and the Environment 6cp
029310 Issues in Indigenous Australian Education 6cp
023634 Honours Thesis 1 12cp
Year 4
Autumn semester
023157 Professional Experience 7: Reflection on Educational Practice 6cp
025223 Mathematics Teaching and Learning 3 6cp
024213 English Education 3 6cp
Spring semester
023158 Professional Experience 8: Analysing Current Issues in Australian Education 6cp
023635 Honours Thesis 2 12cp


Honours is available in the third and fourth years to meritorious students.

Professional recognition

NSW Department of Education and Training

This course provides a teaching qualification recognised by the NSW Department of Education and Training, Independent Schools Association, Catholic Education Office, and is also recognised internationally.

Other information

Further information is available from the Faculty's website:

Local and current studentsFuture international students
web inquiries
telephone 1800 774 816 (freecall within Australia)
+61 3 9627 4816 (from outside Australia)