University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C04014v2 Master of Business Administration

Award(s): Master of Business Administration (MBA)
CRICOS code: 001123C
Load credit points: 96
Course EFTSL: 2
Faculty/institute responsible: Business
Location: City campus

Course aims
Career options
Additional admission requirements
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Professional recognition
Other information


The UTS MBA is distinguished from the competition by its practical, vocational orientation and by the open architecture of the course design. All MBA subjects are approved by an Industry Board which insists on 'relevance to workplace' as a pre-eminent subject design principle. The MBA provides knowledge and skills that are essential for superior management performance.

The course provides unparalleled program flexibility. Students design their MBA to match their employment aspirations. A wide range of specialist skills is also introduced through a choice of majors and sub-majors. The teaching staff are drawn from among the finest researchers and university educators around the world, keeping students abreast of current trends and focusing on the global picture.

Course aims

General management skills develop expertise in strategic thinking; critical analysis; developing and implementing business plans; decision making under uncertainty; understanding organisational dynamics; motivating others; effective communication; leadership; and promoting change in dynamic environments. Functional skills develop competency in a number of key disciplines including accounting, finance, marketing and human resources management. Specialist skills are introduced in areas such as electronic business; corporate finance; banking; corporate accounting; international marketing; human resource management; management in the public, private and international spheres; tourism; sport; arts management; engineering management; health management; and information technology.

Career options

The MBA is the most recognised and most transportable postgraduate degree. Students in the MBA know that to realise their full career potential, additional managerial skills and credentials are essential. Personal investment in a demanding MBA program that is recognised for both intellectual rigour and practical application of knowledge will accelerate your career progression or introduce new career pathways.


While the MBA is offered as a stand-alone qualification, it is also part of an articulated program of study comprising the Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (C11008), the Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (C06009), and the Master of Business Administration (MBA). This enables students who satisfactorily complete the Graduate Certificate in Business Administration or Graduate Diploma in Business Administration to apply for entry to the MBA.

Where a student articulates from one level of study to another, only one testamur is issued.

Additional admission requirements

Applicants require one of the following:

  • a degree from a UTS-recognised university and a minimum of at least four years' relevant work experience
  • a relevant Graduate Diploma from UTS or another recognised tertiary education institution and a minimum of at least four years' relevant work experience, or
  • a relevant Graduate Certificate from UTS or another recognised tertiary education institution, with at least a Credit average and a minimum of at least four years' relevant work experience.

Additional recognition of prior learning

Students can have a maximum of 10 subject exemptions in the MBA, of which four core subjects may be approved from prior undergraduate study.

Course duration and attendance

The MBA is normally completed in two years of full-time or four years of part-time study. Completion time may be accelerated by undertaking subjects in intensive mode during Summer session.

Course structure

The Master of Business Administration comprises 96 credit points, made up of eight compulsory core subjects (totalling 48 credit points) and eight elective subjects (totalling 48 credit points).

Electives can be taken in one of three ways: as one major (48 credit points); as two sub-majors (24 credit points each); or as one sub-major (24 credit points) plus 24 credit points of mixed electives.

Course completion requirements

STM90267 Core subjects 48cp
CBK90172 Major/Two sub-majors/Sub-major + four electives 48cp
Total 96cp

Course program

The list of core subjects is provided below, followed by the lists of available majors and sub-majors, and the components of each.

Core subjects
21718 Organisation Analysis and Design 6cp
22747 Accounting for Managerial Decisions 6cp
21813 Managing People 6cp
25706 Economics for Management 6cp
25742 Financial Management 6cp
24734 Marketing Management 6cp
21720 Human Resource Management 6cp
21715 Strategic Management 6cp
List of majors
MAJ02044 Business Information Technology 48cp
MAJ02045 Strategic Information Technology 48cp
MAJ08016 Value Chain Management 48cp
MAJ08018 Strategic Management 48cp
MAJ08019 Managing International and Community Development 48cp
MAJ08020 Human Resource Management 48cp
MAJ08044 Management Consulting and Change 48cp
MAJ08476 General Management 48cp
MAJ08478 International Marketing 48cp
MAJ08480 Marketing 48cp
MAJ08483 Professional Accounting 48cp
MAJ08484 Project Management 48cp
MAJ08934 Accounting and Finance 48cp
MAJ08935 Arts Management 48cp
MAJ08936 Banking 48cp
MAJ08937 e-Business Marketing 48cp
MAJ08938 Engineering Management and Policy 48cp
MAJ08940 Finance 48cp
MAJ08941 International Business 48cp
MAJ08945 Tourism Management 48cp
MAJ09362 Business Law 48cp
MAJ01097 Science Management 48cp
MAJ08045 Accounting and Corporate Governance 48cp
MAJ08049 Accounting and Enterprise Systems 48cp
MAJ08050 Accounting Performance Reporting 48cp
MAJ08051 Sport Management 48cp
MAJ08052 e-Business 48cp
MAJ09002 Dispute Resolution 48cp
MAJ09004 International Trade Law 48cp
MAJ09005 Law 48cp
List of sub-majors
SMJ02015 Strategic Information Technology 24cp
SMJ02038 Business Information Technology 24cp
SMJ02051 e-Strategy 24cp
SMJ02052 e-Enabling Skills 24cp
SMJ03429 Engineering Policy 24cp
SMJ08026 Accounting Systems and Business Solutions 24cp
SMJ08032 International Aid and Development 24cp
SMJ08034 Financial Analysis Skills 24cp
SMJ08037 Value Chain Management 24cp
SMJ08038 Strategic Management 24cp
SMJ08059 Managing Knowledge 24cp
SMJ08062 Public Sector Managment 24cp
SMJ08065 Management Consulting and Change 24cp
SMJ08066 Human Resources Management 24cp
SMJ08071 Arts Management 24cp
SMJ08075 Engineering Management 24cp
SMJ08077 Funds Management 24cp
SMJ08078 Health Management 24cp
SMJ08079 Knowledge Management 24cp
SMJ08080 Management Skills 24cp
SMJ08084 Marketing 24cp
SMJ08086 Project Management 24cp
SMJ08143 Banking 24cp
SMJ08144 e-Business Marketing 24cp
SMJ08147 Finance 24cp
SMJ08148 International Business 24cp
SMJ08149 International Management 24cp
SMJ08153 Public Relations 24cp
SMJ08155 Sport Management 24cp
SMJ08156 Tourism Management 24cp
SMJ08164 Community Management 24cp
SMJ08165 Sustainability and Responsible Business 24cp
SMJ08166 Strategic Resource Management 24cp
SMJ08167 Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance 24cp
SMJ08168 Adult Communication Management 24cp
SMJ09021 Dispute Resolution 24cp
SMJ09037 Business Law 24cp
SMJ08098 Accounting Information and Business Modelling 24cp
SMJ08111 Marketing Research 24cp
SMJ08112 Organisational Learning and Change 24cp
SMJ08113 Promotional Management 24cp
SMJ09046 International Trade Law 24cp
SMJ10028 International Exchange 24cp
SMJ08150 International Marketing 24cp

Professional recognition

CPA Australia; Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia; Australian Human Resources Institute

The MBA with Professional Accounting major meets the formal academic requirements for associate membership of the ICAA and CPA Australia. In order to meet the educational requirements for membership of CPA Australia and the ICAA, students undertaking the Professional Accounting major in the MBA must also complete an introductory law subject. Students who have not previously completed an undergraduate law subject by examination are permitted to study 79708 Contemporary Business Law in place of 21720 Human Resource Management.

Students completing the MBA with a major in Human Resource Management are eligible to apply to the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) for the Professional Member (MAHRI) status and/or advancement to a higher level of membership for those who have appropriate work experience.

Other information

Further information is available from the Graduate School of Business on: