University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C09039v3 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education

Award(s): Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education (BEd(Hons))
CRICOS code: 025817G
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 48
Course EFTSL: 1
Faculty/institute responsible: Education


This course is not offered in 2008.

This course is not offered to international students.

Course aims
Additional admission requirements
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Other information


The Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education is available to high-achieving students and directly links as an integrated fourth year with the Bachelor of Education in Primary Education (C10206).

Course aims

The course aims to provide, via coursework and supervision, the basic research competency skills and knowledge, as well as critical feedback and collegiate support necessary to enable the development and completion of an Honours thesis relevant to education.

Additional admission requirements

Applicants require:

  • an Australian teaching qualification with Credit or higher grade point average, as approved by the Honours Course Coordinator
  • completion of an educational research subject with a grade of Credit level or better, and
  • submission of a 1,500-word essay, showing competence in written communication, outlining reasons for studying an Education Honours program and describing a research topic of interest.

Course duration and attendance

The course duration is one year of full-time study.

Course structure

The course totals 48 credit points and consists of two core subjects, an elective subject and a thesis.

Course completion requirements

015381 Thesis Development and Appraisal 6cp
023625 Research Seminar 6cp
STM90393 Honours Thesis (Education) 30cp
CBK90148 Education PG subjects 6cp
Total 48cp

Other information

Further information on teacher education is available from: