University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C04148v3 Master of Law and Legal Practice

Award(s): Master of Law and Legal Practice (MLLP)
UAC code: 942410 (Autumn semester), 942411 (PT) (Autumn semester), 945410 (FT) (Spring semester), 945411 (PT) (Spring semester)
CRICOS code: 030481G
Load credit points: 168
Course EFTSL: 3.5
Faculty/institute responsible: Law
Location: City campus

Career options
Additional admission requirements
Additional assumed knowledge
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Industrial training/professional practice
Course completion requirements
Course program
Professional recognition
Other information


The Master of Law and Legal Practice is the first national Master's-level entry path into the profession of law, and is accredited by the Legal Profession Admission Board (LPAB) of the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Graduates of this course are eligible to apply for admission as a legal practitioner in NSW.

Historically in NSW there have been only two pathways into the profession of law: through the Bachelor of Laws degree or the Legal Profession Admission Board (LPAB) Diploma. This Master's program is a third option for graduates of other disciplines who hope to practise law. This course offers an advanced level of study to graduates who have a greater measure of intellectual maturity and academic standing.

Career options

Career options include legal practitioner within a government department, private firm or community law centre, or legal policy adviser in the public or private sector.

Additional admission requirements

Applicants require a Bachelor's degree in a discipline other than law.

Note that completion of a Bachelor's degree alone does not guarantee entry into this course. Admission is at the discretion of the Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning.

Additional assumed knowledge

The Faculty recommends that students read one of the following books prior to entry: A Guide to Legal Problem Solving for Law Students, P Keyzer, Butterworths; or A Career in Law, J F Corkery (ed.), Federation Press.

Course duration and attendance

The Master of Law and Legal Practice can be completed in three-and-a-half years of full-time study or five years of part-time study. Candidates may require additional time to complete the course depending on when they complete their practical experience work placement.

Course acceleration may be permitted by enrolling in subjects totalling up to a maximum of 28 credit points per semester at the discretion of the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning).

Course structure

The course comprises a total of 168 credit points. The study components for course completion are as follows:

  • 96 credit points of compulsory core law subjects (14 subjects), all of which must be completed before the options can be commenced, plus
  • six postgraduate options (36 credit points), all of which must be completed before the practical legal training component can be commenced, followed by
  • eight practical legal training subjects (36 credit points).

To undertake a major in the options component, students must complete at least five subjects (30 credit points) within a major plus a further one subject (6 credit points) from within one or other of the major areas.

Students must have completed all other requirements of their degree prior to enrolling in the Practical Legal Training program. Students cannot enrol in any other subjects in the same semester as the Practical Legal Training program.

Industrial training/professional practice

Admission to practice as a legal practitioner in NSW is based upon the successful completion of an accredited legal qualification (such as the MLLP) plus an accredited course of practical legal training. The UTS Practical Legal Training (PLT) program is accredited by the Legal Profession Admission Board of the Supreme Court of NSW and is an integral component of the MLLP undertaken in the final semester(s). Further information about the PLT program can be found online at:

Course completion requirements

STM90378 Core subjects (Law) UG 96cp
CBK90332 Major choice 30cp
CBK90326 Options 6cp
STM90458 PLT stream 36cp
Total 168cp

Course program

The list of available majors is shown below, followed by a standard program for a full-time student and a part-time student.

Core subjects are timetabled every semester. Optional subjects are regularly timetabled but not all options listed are offered in any one semester. Optional subjects are timetabled subject to sufficient student interest. The current timetable can be found at:

List of majors
MAJ09383 Commercial Law 30cp
MAJ09386 Dispute Resolution Law 30cp
MAJ09382 International Law 30cp
MAJ09387 Information Technology Law 30cp
MAJ09384 Industrial and Intellectual Property Law 30cp
MAJ09381 International Trade Law 30cp
MAJ09385 Family Law 30cp
CBK90323 No specified major 30cp
Full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
70105 Legal Research 4cp
70113 Legal Process and History 10cp
70217 Criminal Law 6cp
Spring semester
70211 Law of Contract 8cp
70311 Law of Torts 8cp
70616 Federal Constitutional Law 8cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
70317 Real Property 8cp
70318 Personal Property 4cp
70417 Corporate Law 8cp
70617 Administrative Law 8cp
Spring semester
70516 Equity and Trusts 8cp
71005 Practice and Procedure 4cp
71116 Remedies 6cp
71216 Law of Evidence 6cp
Year 3
Autumn or Spring semester
CBK90332 Major choice 30cp
CBK90326 Options 6cp
Year 4
Autumn semester
75401 Litigation 6cp
75402 Property Transactions 6cp
75403 Commercial and Estate Practice 6cp
75412 Legal Skills and Professional Awareness 6cp
75413 Advocacy 6cp
75415 Professional Conduct 1 3cp
75416 Professional Conduct 2 3cp
75411 Practical Experience 0cp
Part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
70105 Legal Research 4cp
70113 Legal Process and History 10cp
Spring semester
70211 Law of Contract 8cp
70217 Criminal Law 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
70311 Law of Torts 8cp
70616 Federal Constitutional Law 8cp
Spring semester
70317 Real Property 8cp
70318 Personal Property 4cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
70617 Administrative Law 8cp
70417 Corporate Law 8cp
Spring semester
70516 Equity and Trusts 8cp
71005 Practice and Procedure 4cp
71116 Remedies 6cp
71216 Law of Evidence 6cp
Year 4
Autumn or Spring semester
CBK90332 Major choice 30cp
CBK90326 Options 6cp
Year 5
Autumn semester
75412 Legal Skills and Professional Awareness 6cp
75415 Professional Conduct 1 3cp
75402 Property Transactions 6cp
75403 Commercial and Estate Practice 6cp
Spring semester
75416 Professional Conduct 2 3cp
75401 Litigation 6cp
75413 Advocacy 6cp
75411 Practical Experience 0cp

Levels of award

To qualify for Honours in the Master of Law and Legal Practice, candidates must attain a minimum average mark of 75 per cent across all subjects attempted, and complete the two-semester Research Project.

Professional recognition

Supreme Court of NSW

This course satisfies the requirements for admission as a legal practitioner.

Other information

Further information is available from: