University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C04220v1 Master of Digital Architecture

Award(s): Master of Digital Architecture (MDigArch)
UAC code: 942126 (Autumn semester), 945126 (Spring semester)
CRICOS code: 053623G
Load credit points: 48
Course EFTSL: 1
Faculty/institute responsible: Design, Architecture and Building

Course aims
Career options
Additional admission requirements
Additional assumed knowledge
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


This course is a design-based, post-professional coursework program that critically explores current advancements in design production and thinking to postulate new forms of urbanism and architectural space.

The Master of Digital Architecture helps practising architects and designers to rethink the design process and use technology to embrace the emergent practice of non-standard architecture. This course enhances students' skills in spatial thinking and takes their designs in a new direction. Architecture as a built reality maintains a close relationship to the modes and techniques of representation. The advent of digital software has released a unique potential that can lead to a significant rethinking, re-imaging and reconfiguration of the built environment. Given the fact that this is a relatively new area of architectural investigation within both the academic and the professional context, the course offers students an opportunity to be at the forefront of interrogation in this field.

Course aims

The course aims to provide a setting to fully explore the implications of the digital through a rigorous testing of the architectural form and the potential implicit to these types of software.

Graduates of this course:

  • develop an advanced professional capacity in digital design and production
  • develop an understanding of the relationship of this capacity to other areas of digital animation and computer-generated representations of design
  • enhance their knowledge of the theory and history of digital architecture
  • instigate and conduct creative research in digital architecture at an advanced level
  • undertake creative and technical responsibility for the development of a significant digital architectural project, including the formulation and presention of the project
  • develop improved collaborative skills by working as members of a design team, and
  • rethink the role of architecture in relation to advancements in culture, theory, technology and design.

Career options

Career options include positions in analogue and RP modelling, architectural animation and visualisation, architectural design, Internet design and publication. Students are also more academically qualified to teach in higher education in areas of architectural design and technology.

Additional admission requirements

Applicants must have a Bachelor's degree in architecture or a design-related field within the built environment.

Applicants must also submit a portfolio of design work that demonstrates proficiency in visual communication in digital media. This work must demonstrate an advanced awareness of three dimensional form, space and graphic visualisation.

Additional assumed knowledge

Students should have a knowledge of the built environment and be able to think in '3D'.

Course duration and attendance

This course is offered on a one-year, full-time, or two-year, part-time basis.

Course structure

This course comprises 48 credit points of study and project work. Students must complete 24 credit points of Digital Architecture Project, 12 credit points of Digital Master Class, a 6-credit-point Digital Theory subject and a 6-credit-point Animation elective.

Course completion requirements

STM90592 Core subjects 42cp
CBK90750 Elective choice 6cp
Total 48cp

Course program

Example programs are shown below for a full-time student commencing in Autumn and Spring semester.

Full time, Autumn commencing
Year 1
Autumn semester
11400 Digital Theory 6cp
11402 Digital Architecture Project A 12cp
11403 Digital Master Class B 6cp
Spring semester
11401 Digital Master Class A 6cp
11404 Digital Architecture Project B 12cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
89202 3D Digital Animation 16cp 
89203 3D Digital Animation 26cp 
89204 2D Digital Animation6cp 
Full time, Spring commencing
Year 1
Spring semester
11400 Digital Theory 6cp
11401 Digital Master Class A 6cp
11402 Digital Architecture Project A 12cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
11403 Digital Master Class B 6cp
11404 Digital Architecture Project B 12cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
89202 3D Digital Animation 16cp 
89203 3D Digital Animation 26cp 
89204 2D Digital Animation6cp 

Other information

Further information is available from the Faculty Student Administration Unit on: