University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C11183v2 Graduate Certificate in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care

Award(s): Graduate Certificate in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care (GradCertCAMHC)
Load credit points: 24
Course EFTSL: 0.5
Faculty/institute responsible: Nursing, Midwifery and Health
Location: Kuring-gai campus


This course is not offered to international students.

Additional admission requirements
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Other information


This course aims to develop students' understanding, knowledge and skills to work across the spectrum of services for children, adolescents and their families who experience psychological problems and distress, to those who at times need more specialised care for major mental health problems and disorders.


This course articulates with the Graduate Diploma in Nursing (C07044) and the Master of Nursing (C04228).

Additional admission requirements

Applicants should have an undergraduate degree or equivalent tertiary qualification and have access to a relevant clinical setting.

Applicants who do not have an undergraduate degree or diploma but who have recent relevant work experience may also be considered eligible.

Course duration and attendance

This course is offered on a one-year, part-time basis.

Course structure

Students must complete four subjects totalling 24 credit points.

Course completion requirements

92964 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Disorders 6cp
92876 Therapeutic Interventions in Mental Health Care 6cp
92604 Mental Health Assessment 6cp
92605 Therapeutic Interventions in Mental Health Care 2 6cp
Total 24cp

Other information

Further information is available from the Faculty Student Office on: