University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C07018v3 Graduate Diploma in Management

Award(s): Graduate Diploma in Management (GradDipM)
CRICOS code: 009678C
Load credit points: 48
Course EFTSL: 1
Faculty/institute responsible: Business
Location: City campus (Haymarket), although subjects may also be selected from among those offered at Kuring-gai campus.

Course aims
Career options
Additional admission requirements
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


The Graduate Diploma in Management aims to extend the management skills that students gained from completing the Graduate Certificate in Management by providing the opportunity to explore them in greater breadth and depth.

An innovative, flexible structure provides students with maximum choice in selecting subjects and programs of study tailored to meet their personal and professional needs.

Course aims

The Graduate Diploma in Management is designed to meet the needs of individuals, client organisations and professional bodies for management education.

Career options

Career options include management-level positions in industry or government.


This course is part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Certificate in Management (C11021), the Graduate Diploma in Management, and the Master of Business in Management (C04229).

Additional admission requirements

Applicants require one of the following:

  • a cognate degree from a UTS-recognised university or other tertiary education institution
  • a degree from a UTS-recognised university or other tertiary education institution and a minimum of two years' relevant work experience, or
  • satisfactory completion of a relevant Graduate Certificate.

Additional recognition of prior learning

Students may be granted a maximum of five subject exemptions, of which two core subjects may be approved from prior undergraduate study.

Course duration and attendance

The Graduate Diploma is a two-year part-time, or one-year full-time course.

Course structure

The Graduate Diploma in Management totals 48 credit points and consists of a combination of core and elective subjects.

Course completion requirements

STM90628 Core subjects 24cp
CBK90757 Electives 24cp
Total 48cp

Course program

The course program is shown below.

21718 Organisation Analysis and Design 6cp
21779 Management Skills 6cp
21813 Managing People 6cp
21827 Change Management 6cp
Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
21006 Managing Power6cp 
21717 International Management6cp 
21720 Human Resource Management6cp 
21730 Developing Executive Leadership6cp 
21741 Value Chain Management6cp 
21832 Managing for Sustainability6cp 
21854 Innovation and Entrepreneurship6cp 
21722 Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring6cp 
21725 Organisation Development6cp 

Other information

Further information is available from the Graduate School of Business on: