University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C10097v3 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Media Arts and Production)

Award(s): Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BA)
UAC code: 608040 (CSP), 618040 (DFEE)
CRICOS code: 033247D
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 144
Course EFTSL: 3
Faculty/institute responsible: Humanities and Social Sciences
Location: City campus

Course aims
Career options
Additional assumed knowledge
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Industrial training/professional practice
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


This course prepares students for a wide range of roles within the media and cultural sectors. Students study the history, contemporary issues and theory of media and culture while developing advanced technical and conceptual skills in film, video, new media and sound. The professional areas within the degree include film, video, television, multimedia, sound, radio, performance and installation, and the interplay among these media forms.

Highly regarded in the industry, this course has a history of award-winning students and graduates. Lecturers are accomplished media artists and producers.

During the degree students develop ideas, conceptual approaches and creative portfolios using cutting-edge production equipment, facilities and software. It is one of the only undergraduate courses in Australia that teaches 16mm filmmaking.

Course aims

Graduates of the Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Media Arts and Production):

  • are able to take up industrial and artisan roles in the media arts and production industries which include television and radio broadcasting; the film industry; the convergent media industry; independent media and audio arts; online environments and services; education and community sectors; and the entertainment industries
  • have industry entry-level skills through hands-on experience of professional-level technical and conceptual skills within film, video, multimedia, sound, radio and/or intermediary or convergent forms
  • have developed the professional skills, as demonstrated in media outcomes, to work as filmmakers, sound and multimedia artists, videomakers, independent producers and directors or in a specialist role as part of a creative team
  • have the ability to work as professionals using a combination of technical, critical and creative skills
  • have knowledge and skills of a broad range of media arts practices and have specialist skills in at least one media production area
  • have a conceptual and practical production experience of different forms, approaches, styles and genres in their particular media specialisation
  • are multiskilled and knowledgeable about convergent media practices
  • have developed skills in problem solving, communication and teamwork necessary for the collaborative nature of media production work
  • are adaptable, flexible and innovative as they cope with and contribute to continuous change within existing professional industries
  • are self-reliant as well as being able to collaborate on media arts projects throughout all stages of conception, project development, production, post-production and presentation
  • are grounded in the history and theory, contemporary issues and practice of the media arts, with a specific knowledge of the techniques, poetics, aesthetics and politics of the area of their own concentration
  • understand the relationship of theory and practice within media arts and the interdisciplinary approaches within the humanities and social sciences as they contribute to the generation and development of ideas, research methods, and critical analyses of media productions
  • have an understanding of media arts production and the role of the media in general within the context of the political, cultural, philosophical and artistic workings of society, and
  • have the ability to engage in constructive criticism and analysis of media production work.

Career options

Career options include arts or cultural administrator, cinematographer, director, documentary maker, editor, film producer, new media producer, production manager, radio producer, scriptwriter, sound designer and web designer.

Additional assumed knowledge

HSC English and computer literacy.

Additional recognition of prior learning

The Faculty has established recognition of prior learning packages with the following institutions for the courses listed:

  • Insearch UTS: Diploma of Communication
  • Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore: Diploma in Mass Communication (or Diploma in Film, Sound and Video)
  • School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong: Associate of Arts in Media Technology
  • TAFE NSW: Diploma in Screen

Course duration and attendance

This course is offered on a three-year, full-time basis.

Course structure

A total of 144 credit points is allocated to the course: 68 credit points for Disciplinary Strand subjects, 44 credit points for Professional Strand subjects and 32 credit points for Elective Studies subjects.

Industrial training/professional practice

Students undertake production projects each semester. They can elect to participate in professional placement and are encouraged to develop their portfolio and publicly display their works throughout their study through events such as the biennial UTS Golden Eye Awards and other festivals and competitions.

Course completion requirements

STM90387 Core 100-level disciplinary subjects 36cp
STM90384 Core subjects 12cp
CBK90014 200-level Disciplinary choice: Cultural Studies 8cp
CBK90745 200/300-level Disciplinary choice 8cp
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice 8cp
CBK90015 300-level Disciplinary choice: Cultural Studies 8cp
CBK90024 200-level Professional choice: Media Arts and Production 16cp
CBK90025 300-level Professional choice: Media Arts and Production 16cp
CBK90252 Electives (Media Arts and Production) 32cp
Total 144cp

Course program

The example program below is for a student commencing in Autumn semester.

Year 1
Autumn semester
      50116 Media Arts and Production 1 6cp
      50105 Communication and Information Environments 6cp
      50107 Rethinking Culture 6cp
      50109 Power and Change in Australia 6cp
Spring semester
      50117 Media Arts and Production 2 6cp
      50108 Contemporary Cultures 6cp
      50106 Media, Information and Society 6cp
      50111 Colonialism and Modernity 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
Select one subject from the following in CBK90014: 8cp
50133 Music and Popular Culture8cp 
50134 Culture, Writing and Textuality8cp 
50135 Television and Popular Culture8cp 
50136 Cinematic Cultures8cp 
Select one subject from the following in CBK90024: 8cp
50153 Audio Production8cp 
50154 Creative Audio Techniques8cp 
50155 Film and Video Production8cp 
50157 New Media Fundamentals8cp 
50158 Netcultures and Practices8cp 
50197 Media Arts, Concept and Project Development8cp 
50199 Documentary Production8cp 
50212 Film and Video Drama8cp 
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
Select one subject from the following in CBK90024: 8cp
50153 Audio Production8cp 
50154 Creative Audio Techniques8cp 
50155 Film and Video Production8cp 
50157 New Media Fundamentals8cp 
50158 Netcultures and Practices8cp 
50197 Media Arts, Concept and Project Development8cp 
50199 Documentary Production8cp 
50212 Film and Video Drama8cp 
Select one subject from the following in CBK90745: 8cp
50133 Music and Popular Culture8cp 
50134 Culture, Writing and Textuality8cp 
50135 Television and Popular Culture8cp 
50136 Cinematic Cultures8cp 
50180 Culture and Poetics8cp 
50252 Culture and Technology8cp 
50253 Culture and Sound8cp 
50254 Contemporary Cinema8cp 
50255 Documentary Study8cp 
50256 Genre Study8cp 
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
Select one subject from the following in CBK90015: 8cp
50180 Culture and Poetics8cp 
50252 Culture and Technology8cp 
50253 Culture and Sound8cp 
50254 Contemporary Cinema8cp 
50255 Documentary Study8cp 
50256 Genre Study8cp 
Select one subject from the following in CBK90025: 8cp
50156 Creative Techniques for Shorts8cp 
50177 Cross Media Production8cp 
50178 Soundtrack8cp 
50196 Producing8cp 
50198 Media Arts Project8cp 
50213 Audio Workshop8cp 
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice 8cp
Select one subject from the following in CBK90025: 8cp
50156 Creative Techniques for Shorts8cp 
50177 Cross Media Production8cp 
50178 Soundtrack8cp 
50196 Producing8cp 
50198 Media Arts Project8cp 
50213 Audio Workshop8cp 
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp


The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Communication (C09009) is available with an additional one year of full-time study for eligible students.

Other information

Further information is available from the Faculty Student Centre on: