University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C04215v1 Master of Science in Advanced Computing (Extended)

Award(s): Master of Science in Advanced Computing (Extended) (MSc)
UAC code: 942618 (Autumn semester)
CRICOS code: 052141A
Load credit points: 96
Course EFTSL: 2
Faculty/institute responsible: Information Technology

Course aims
Career options
Additional admission requirements
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


This course is designed for computing/IT graduates continuing advanced study towards a research degree. It may also be of interest to computing/IT graduates who want to undertake advanced study before entering professional practice. The 'extended' Master's level program is designed to enable students to develop their studies in a chosen and specialised area of information technology.

The Master of Science in Advanced Computing (Extended) provides entry to postgraduate study for recent/immediate graduates of IT undergraduate programs to enable them to continue advanced study particularly, but not exclusively, towards a research degree. The 'extended' level provides deeper knowledge in a chosen and specialised area of information technology.

Course aims

This course aims to:

  • develop advanced skills and knowledge in state-of-the-art and cutting-edge computing and information technology
  • enable the acquisition of a conceptual and analytical understanding of advanced computing and information technology
  • apply the skills and knowledge necessary for successfully undertaking professional roles in a chosen specific specialisation, and
  • provide qualification for and entry to research studies.

Career options

On completion of this course, graduates are recognised as IT specialists/researchers who understand the issues involved in specific areas of state-of-the-art and cutting-edge computing and information technology and are able to apply their advanced skills and knowledge in a research environment. The broad range of knowledge of the current and future demands of the IT industry and a deeper understanding of a specialised area in IT/computing provide graduates with the necessary preparation for their chosen career path.


This course forms part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Diploma in Advanced Computing (C07109), the Master of Science in Advanced Computing (C04214), and the Master of Science in Advanced Computing (Extended).

Additional admission requirements

Local students

Applicants should have:

  • a minimum qualification equivalent to a Bachelor's degree with a major in computing/information technology (or related discipline), or
  • a Bachelor's degree plus a Graduate Diploma in computing/information technology (or related discipline) from a recognised Australian university.

The admission requirements for applicants from UTS undergraduate awards are an average mark of 65 per cent or higher, and normally with no failures in the core subjects after the first year (full time) or Stages 1 and 2 (part time) of their undergraduate degree.

The admission requirements for applicants from the UTS Graduate Diploma in Information Technology are an average mark of 75 per cent across all subjects and only one failure allowed in first semester (average to include failed results as well as mark obtained in second attempt or in taking another elective instead).

The admission requirements for other applicants are that the extent of an applicant's knowledge and their grades gained are equivalent to the knowledge and standard required for admission as a UTS applicant. Such applicants should attach detailed transcripts of their coursework annotated with their grades to demonstrate that the extent of their knowledge and the standard of their grades satisfies these admission requirements.

Criteria for admission to these courses support the University's Equal Opportunity policy.

Applicants with insufficient formal qualifications may be admitted if they can demonstrate evidence of general and professional qualifications, such as other post-secondary school qualifications that can establish the applicant's aptitude, knowledge and practical experience, which will satisfy the Faculty Board in Information Technology that the applicant possesses the educational preparation and capacity to pursue postgraduate studies.

International students

The abovementioned standard admission requirements also apply to international applicants. International applicants with insufficient formal qualifications are not admitted.

Additional recognition of prior learning

Exemption from subjects in the Master of Science in Advanced Computing program is not normally given on the basis of previous study.

Course duration and attendance

The course may be taken on a part-time basis for eight semesters over four years, or on a full-time basis for six semesters over two years.

Course structure

The Master of Science in Advanced Computing (Extended) totals 96 credit points of study, made up of 24 credit points of core subjects, 48 credit points of elective subjects and 24 credit points of specialisations. Most subjects are 6 credit points each.

The core subjects provide students with an introduction to IT research culture and an exposure to IT research methods before undertaking a research project.

Course completion requirements

32144 IT Research Preparation 6cp
32931 Information Technology Research Methods 6cp
32934 Research Project 12cp
CBK90453 Electives 48cp
CBK90334 Specialisation choice 24cp
Total 96cp

Course program

The following example shows a typical full-time program commencing in Autumn semester. Following the example is the list of specialisation options, the introductory subjects for each specialisation and the list of electives.

Subjects may be taken in any sequence subject to the following constraints:

Note: subjects listed as electives are only offered in a particular semester (or year) if there is sufficient demand and the Faculty has the necessary resources.

Year 1
Autumn semester
32144 IT Research Preparation 6cp
Select 18 credit points of electives 18cp
Spring semester
Select 24 credit points of electives 24cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
32931 Information Technology Research Methods 6cp
Select 12 credit points of options 12cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Spring semester
32934 Research Project 12cp
Select 12 credit points of options 12cp
Computer Graphics and Gaming specialisation option subject list
32501 Computer Graphics 6cp
32543 Advanced 3D Computer Animation 6cp
32544 Advanced Image Synthesis Techniques 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
32003 Computer Game Design6cp 
32004 Game Programming6cp 
Data Mining specialisation option subject list
32130 Principles and Practice of Data Mining 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
32008 Data Mining in Bioinformatics6cp 
32131 Data Mining and Visualisation in e-Business6cp 
32146 Data and Information Visualisation6cp 
32150 Multimedia Data Mining6cp 
32513 Advanced Data Mining Algorithms6cp 
e-Business Technology specialisation option subject list
32120 Introduction to e-Business Technology 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
32148 Enterprise Computing6cp 
32516 Internet Programming6cp 
32525 Web Services Technologies and Applications6cp 
32549 Advanced Internet Programming6cp 
Human Centred Design specialisation option subject list
32509 Interaction Design 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
32027 Multimedia Systems Design6cp 
32029 Interactive Arts6cp 
32126 Web Content Design and Management6cp 
32405 User-Centred Design Methods6cp 
32407 Theoretical Foundations of HCD6cp 
IT Management specialisation subject list
32147 Introduction to IT Management 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
32208 Information Processing Strategy6cp 
32541 Project Management6cp 
32546 Business Process Engineering6cp 
32603 Software Quality Management6cp 
49016 Technology and Innovation Management6cp 
32027 Multimedia Systems Design6cp 
32028 Aligning Technology to Business Processes6cp 
32029 Interactive Arts6cp 
32126 Web Content Design and Management6cp 
32509 Interaction Design6cp 
32531 Global Information Systems6cp 
32532 Conducting Business Electronically6cp 
32534 Knowledge Management Systems6cp 
32990 IT Contracts and Outsourcing6cp 
32995 People Management for IT6cp 
Software Engineering specialisation subject list
32151 Introduction to Software Engineering 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
32106 Object-oriented Process6cp 
32535 Database in Distributed Environments6cp 
32536 Object-oriented Modelling6cp 
32148 Enterprise Computing6cp 
Electives list
32008 Data Mining in Bioinformatics 6cp
32012 Internet Quality of Service (QoS) 6cp
32025 Recent Advances in Information Technology 6cp
32026 Specialist Topics in Information Technology 6cp
32027 Multimedia Systems Design 6cp
32028 Aligning Technology to Business Processes 6cp
32029 Interactive Arts 6cp
32030 Intelligent Mobile and Internet Enterprise Systems 6cp
32031 Advanced Visual Processing 6cp
32032 Semantic Web: Philosophy, Foundations and Technology 6cp
32034 Decision Support Technology in e-Services 6cp
32035 Foundations of Programming Languages 6cp
32036 Process Engineering (Objects and Agents) 6cp
32037 Metamodelling 6cp
32038 Software Architecture 6cp
32039 Recent Advances in Software Engineering 6cp
32150 Multimedia Data Mining 6cp
32545 Multi-Agent Systems 6cp
32550 Advances in Requirements Engineering 6cp
32603 Software Quality Management 6cp
32901 Recent Advances in Computer Systems 6cp
32902 Recent Advances in Information Systems 6cp
35340 Operations Research Practice 6cp
35353 Regression Analysis 6cp
35383 High Performance Computing 6cp
32148 Enterprise Computing 6cp
32013 .NET Enterprise Development 6cp
32210 Computer Vision and Image Processing 6cp
32525 Web Services Technologies and Applications 6cp
32998 Visual Basic .NET Applications Development 6cp
95563 Digital Media Development Process 6cp
95564 Digital Media Technologies 6cp
95565 Digital Graphics and the Still Image 6cp
95566 Digital Information and Interaction Design 6cp
95567 Digital Media in Social Context 6cp
95568 Digital Sound and the Moving Image 6cp
95569 Digital Media Project 12cp
Introductory specialisation subject list
32509 Interaction Design 6cp
32130 Principles and Practice of Data Mining 6cp
32151 Introduction to Software Engineering 6cp
32147 Introduction to IT Management 6cp
32120 Introduction to e-Business Technology 6cp
32149 Introduction to Organisational Systems 6cp
32501 Computer Graphics 6cp

Other information

Further information is available from the Building 10 Student Centre on:

telephone +61 2 9514 1222