The Bachelor of Nursing incorporates nursing theory, science and clinical practice in a range of health facilities. Graduates of the course are capable of delivering a high standard of safe and therapeutic nursing care in a variety of contexts. They demonstrate nursing care that is informed, responsible and respectful.
This course is highly regarded by the health care industry. It allows students to undertake more varied workplace learning than other NSW nursing courses and has a close to 100 per cent employment rate. Clinical practice commences in acute care settings in the first semester of the program and students can choose a sub-major and a clinical elective in their third year.
The course aims to produce informed, reflective, caring and compassionate nurses who demonstrate competencies related to professional responsibility, interpersonal processes and the exercise of clinical judgment. In addition, graduates are prepared to foster the development of nursing as a practice discipline and a significant health profession within the community.
Career options include registered nurse in a specialty such as community health, critical care, intensive care, mental health, operating theatre or paediatrics, or as clinical nurse consultants, clinical nurse specialists, nurse educators, nurse managers, nurse practitioners, rural and remote practice nurses or university lecturers.
Current school leaver applicants who have met UTS matriculation with a UAI of at least 66.00 and have B Nursing Kuring-gai campus full-time (606000) as a first preference may be eligible for bonus marks on the basis of an interview. Marks are allocated for motivation, HSC marks in English and science, and leadership and community service. Eligible applicants are contacted by telephone in early January.
Non-current school leavers are strongly advised to submit a Personal Statement to UTS by 30 November 2007.
B Nursing City campus (606002) has a smaller intake of students and entry is very competitive. Applicants are encouraged to also apply for the course at Kuring-gai campus.
All applicants must meet the UTS English proficiency requirements. Note that the TAFE Certificate IV in Nursing (Enrolled Nurse) and work experience do not satisfy the University's English proficiency requirements.
To be eligible for the Bachelor of Nursing (Accelerated Program: Enrolled Nurse), applicants must have completed TAFE Certificate IV in Nursing (Enrolled Nurse). Hospital-trained enrolled nurses are not eligible for the accelerated program. Successful applicants are given advanced standing for their previous studies and are able to complete the B Nursing in two calendar years full time, including a summer school.
To be eligible for the Bachelor of Nursing (Accelerated Program: Graduate Entry), applicants must have completed an Australian Bachelor's degree or overseas equivalent within the past 10 years (completed studies in 1998 or after). Successful applicants are given advanced standing for their previous studies and are able to complete the B Nursing in two calendar years full time, including a summer school. Students must also successfully complete a four-week pre-semester school in February 2008 before proceeding to the Accelerated Program: Graduate Entry.
All applicants to the accelerated program must have completed their TAFE qualification or Bachelor degree by December 2007. Applicants who have completed a partial Bachelor of Nursing qualification at another institution should apply for 606000, 606001 or 606002 and also contact the Faculty prior to January 2008 for program advice. Each applicant's program is assessed individually.
If you are a non-current school leaver you are strongly advised to submit a Personal Statement to UTS by 30 November 2007.
Any two units of English.
Any two units of science and any two units of mathematics are recommended.
UTS offers an accelerated, two-calendar-year Bachelor of Nursing program to students who have completed the TAFE Certificate IV in Enrolled Nursing, and to students who have completed a degree in another discipline within the past 10 years. Enrolled nurses receive 36 credit points of exemption and graduates receive 30 credit points of exemption. Applicants must have completed their qualification by December of the previous year to be eligible for the accerated program. Spaces are limited in these accelerated programs and offers are based on competition.
The Bachelor of Nursing is offered at Kuring-gai campus on a full-time basis over three years and a part-time basis over six years, and at City campus on a full-time basis over three years.
The Accelerated Program – Graduate Entry is offered at Kuring-gai campus on a full-time basis over two years and part-time over four years including a pre-semester school in February at commencement and Summer session.
The Accelerated Program – Enrolled Nurse is offered at Kuring-gai campus on a full-time basis over two years and a part-time basis over four years including Summer session.
The course comprises 144 credit points, made up of nursing theory, science and clinical practice in a range of health facilities. Full-time students study four subjects per semester, and part-time students study two subjects per semester.
The Bachelor of Nursing as an initial qualification includes extensive nursing practice, which is a compulsory component of the course. Students are allocated to health facilities during each year of the course in block week(s) during the semester in addition to time spent in the nursing laboratories that simulate the clinical environment. Clinical learning is supervised by faculty staff and qualified health professionals. Third-year students spend a significant amount of their learning time in clinical settings and are able to choose a sub-major in medical-surgical nursing, mental health nursing, paediatric nursing or aged care nursing (subject to numbers). Students may have the opportunity to complete part of their sub-major in a rural and remote placement. In addition, a choice of clinical electives is offered in a variety of clinical specialties.
All nursing students must adhere to the NSW Health policy directive, PD2007_006 Occupational Assessment, Screening and Vaccination Against Specified Infectious Diseases, prior to commencement of any nursing clinical practice placements. The policy can be viewed online at:
The policy should be read in full as it outlines students' obligations to be immunised against certain infectious diseases prior to commencing their clinical placement. Students are asked to provide evidence of their immunisation status and documentation of their TB status prior to or at the time of commencement of the clinical placement. Students should be aware that if they do not meet the requirements of the policy they may not be able to commence the placement and as a result may not be able to complete the course.
Select one of the following: | 96cp | |
STM90459 Standard entry subjects | 96cp | |
STM90460 Accelerated entry subjects | 96cp | |
STM90488 Accelerated entry subjects | 96cp | |
STM90461 Third-year subjects | 48cp | |
Total | 144cp |
Programs are presented below for standard full-time and part-time attendance, as well as for the Accelerated Program – Enrolled Nurses and the Accelerated Program – Graduate Entry.
Standard, full time | ||
Year 1 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
91531 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology 1 | 6cp | |
92009 The Discipline of Nursing | 6cp | |
92191 Adult Nursing: Cardiovascular | 6cp | |
92192 Adult Nursing: Respiratory | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
91532 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology 2 | 6cp | |
92011 Nursing Relationships | 6cp | |
92194 Adult Nursing: Renal and Reproductive | 6cp | |
92195 Adult Nursing: GIT and Orthopaedic | 6cp | |
Year 2 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
91533 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology 3 | 6cp | |
92239 Foundations of Children's Nursing | 8cp | |
92240 The Family in Health and Illness | 4cp | |
92248 Adult Nursing: Neuro-endocrine | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
91534 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology 4 | 6cp | |
92236 Foundations of Mental Health Nursing | 8cp | |
92237 Primary Health Care | 4cp | |
92238 Adult Nursing: Cellular Alterations | 6cp | |
Year 3 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
92241 Inquiry in Nursing Practice | 6cp | |
92242 Practice Interactions | 6cp | |
92243 Practice Development 1 | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92249 Critical Care | 6cp | |
92251 Community Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92254 Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92256 Perioperative Nursing | 6cp | |
92257 Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92258 Palliative Care | 6cp | |
92260 Women's Health | 6cp | |
92263 Care of the Older Person | 6cp | |
92264 Australian Indigenous Health Care | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92244 Comprehensive Health Assessment | 6cp | |
92245 Organisational Relationships | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92001 Practice Development 2: Medical Surgical Nursing | 6cp | |
92002 Practice Development 2: Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92003 Practice Development 2: Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92004 Practice Development 2: Aged Care Nursing | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92005 Practice Development 3 Medical Surgical Nursing | 6cp | |
92006 Practice Development 3 Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92007 Practice Development 3: Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92008 Practice Development 3: Aged Care Nursing | 6cp | |
Standard, part time | ||
Year 1 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
91531 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology 1 | 6cp | |
92009 The Discipline of Nursing | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
91532 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology 2 | 6cp | |
92011 Nursing Relationships | 6cp | |
Year 2 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
92191 Adult Nursing: Cardiovascular | 6cp | |
92192 Adult Nursing: Respiratory | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92194 Adult Nursing: Renal and Reproductive | 6cp | |
92195 Adult Nursing: GIT and Orthopaedic | 6cp | |
Year 3 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
91533 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology 3 | 6cp | |
92248 Adult Nursing: Neuro-endocrine | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
91534 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology 4 | 6cp | |
92238 Adult Nursing: Cellular Alterations | 6cp | |
Year 4 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
92239 Foundations of Children's Nursing | 8cp | |
92240 The Family in Health and Illness | 4cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92236 Foundations of Mental Health Nursing | 8cp | |
92237 Primary Health Care | 4cp | |
Year 5 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
92241 Inquiry in Nursing Practice | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92249 Critical Care | 6cp | |
92251 Community Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92254 Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92256 Perioperative Nursing | 6cp | |
92257 Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92258 Palliative Care | 6cp | |
92260 Women's Health | 6cp | |
92263 Care of the Older Person | 6cp | |
92264 Australian Indigenous Health Care | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92244 Comprehensive Health Assessment | 6cp | |
92245 Organisational Relationships | 6cp | |
Year 6 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
92242 Practice Interactions | 6cp | |
92243 Practice Development 1 | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92001 Practice Development 2: Medical Surgical Nursing | 6cp | |
92002 Practice Development 2: Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92003 Practice Development 2: Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92004 Practice Development 2: Aged Care Nursing | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92005 Practice Development 3 Medical Surgical Nursing | 6cp | |
92006 Practice Development 3 Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92007 Practice Development 3: Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92008 Practice Development 3: Aged Care Nursing | 6cp | |
Accelerated, full time, enrolled nurses | ||
Year 1 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
92010 The Discipline of Nursing | 6cp | |
99636 Essentials of Pathophysiology | 6cp | |
92262 Adult Nursing: Surgical | 6cp | |
92236 Foundations of Mental Health Nursing | 8cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92012 Nursing Relationships | 6cp | |
91604 Introductory Pharmacology and Microbiology | 6cp | |
92261 Adult Nursing: Medical | 6cp | |
92239 Foundations of Children's Nursing | 8cp | |
Year 2 | ||
Summer session | ||
92237 Primary Health Care | 4cp | |
92240 The Family in Health and Illness | 4cp | |
Autumn semester | ||
92241 Inquiry in Nursing Practice | 6cp | |
92242 Practice Interactions | 6cp | |
92243 Practice Development 1 | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92249 Critical Care | 6cp | |
92251 Community Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92254 Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92256 Perioperative Nursing | 6cp | |
92257 Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92258 Palliative Care | 6cp | |
92260 Women's Health | 6cp | |
92263 Care of the Older Person | 6cp | |
92264 Australian Indigenous Health Care | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92244 Comprehensive Health Assessment | 6cp | |
92245 Organisational Relationships | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92001 Practice Development 2: Medical Surgical Nursing | 6cp | |
92002 Practice Development 2: Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92003 Practice Development 2: Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92004 Practice Development 2: Aged Care Nursing | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92005 Practice Development 3 Medical Surgical Nursing | 6cp | |
92006 Practice Development 3 Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92007 Practice Development 3: Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92008 Practice Development 3: Aged Care Nursing | 6cp | |
Accelerated, full time, graduate entry | ||
Year 1 | ||
Summer session | ||
92109 Nursing Practice 1AA | 6cp | |
Autumn semester | ||
92010 The Discipline of Nursing | 6cp | |
99636 Essentials of Pathophysiology | 6cp | |
92262 Adult Nursing: Surgical | 6cp | |
92236 Foundations of Mental Health Nursing | 8cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92012 Nursing Relationships | 6cp | |
91604 Introductory Pharmacology and Microbiology | 6cp | |
92261 Adult Nursing: Medical | 6cp | |
92239 Foundations of Children's Nursing | 8cp | |
Year 2 | ||
Summer session | ||
92237 Primary Health Care | 4cp | |
92240 The Family in Health and Illness | 4cp | |
Autumn semester | ||
92241 Inquiry in Nursing Practice | 6cp | |
92242 Practice Interactions | 6cp | |
92243 Practice Development 1 | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92249 Critical Care | 6cp | |
92251 Community Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92254 Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92256 Perioperative Nursing | 6cp | |
92257 Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92258 Palliative Care | 6cp | |
92260 Women's Health | 6cp | |
92263 Care of the Older Person | 6cp | |
92264 Australian Indigenous Health Care | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92244 Comprehensive Health Assessment | 6cp | |
92245 Organisational Relationships | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92001 Practice Development 2: Medical Surgical Nursing | 6cp | |
92002 Practice Development 2: Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92003 Practice Development 2: Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92004 Practice Development 2: Aged Care Nursing | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92005 Practice Development 3 Medical Surgical Nursing | 6cp | |
92006 Practice Development 3 Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92007 Practice Development 3: Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92008 Practice Development 3: Aged Care Nursing | 6cp | |
Accelerated, part time, graduate entry | ||
Year 1 | ||
Summer session | ||
92109 Nursing Practice 1AA | 6cp | |
Autumn semester | ||
92010 The Discipline of Nursing | 6cp | |
99636 Essentials of Pathophysiology | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92012 Nursing Relationships | 6cp | |
91604 Introductory Pharmacology and Microbiology | 6cp | |
Year 2 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
92236 Foundations of Mental Health Nursing | 8cp | |
92262 Adult Nursing: Surgical | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92239 Foundations of Children's Nursing | 8cp | |
92261 Adult Nursing: Medical | 6cp | |
Year 3 | ||
Summer session | ||
92240 The Family in Health and Illness | 4cp | |
92237 Primary Health Care | 4cp | |
Autumn semester | ||
92241 Inquiry in Nursing Practice | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92249 Critical Care | 6cp | |
92251 Community Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92254 Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92256 Perioperative Nursing | 6cp | |
92257 Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92258 Palliative Care | 6cp | |
92260 Women's Health | 6cp | |
92263 Care of the Older Person | 6cp | |
92264 Australian Indigenous Health Care | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
92244 Comprehensive Health Assessment | 6cp | |
92245 Organisational Relationships | 6cp | |
Year 4 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
92242 Practice Interactions | 6cp | |
92243 Practice Development 1 | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92001 Practice Development 2: Medical Surgical Nursing | 6cp | |
92002 Practice Development 2: Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92003 Practice Development 2: Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92004 Practice Development 2: Aged Care Nursing | 6cp | |
Select 6 credit points from the following options: | 6cp | |
92005 Practice Development 3 Medical Surgical Nursing | 6cp | |
92006 Practice Development 3 Mental Health Nursing | 6cp | |
92007 Practice Development 3: Paediatric Nursing | 6cp | |
92008 Practice Development 3: Aged Care Nursing | 6cp |
The Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) is available to eligible students with an additional year of full-time study, or two years of part-time study.
Nurses and Midwives Board New South Wales
The course is also recognised in other Australian states and territories as well as other parts of the world.
Further information is available from the Faculty Student Office on: