University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C10057v8 Bachelor of Design in Interior Design

Award(s): Bachelor of Design in Interior Design (BDesign)
UAC code: 601060 (CSP), 611060 (DFEE)
CRICOS code: 036568G
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 192
Course EFTSL: 4
Faculty/institute responsible: Design, Architecture and Building
Location: City campus

Course aims
Career options
Additional admission requirements
Additional assumed knowledge
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


This course allows for a broad view of the role of the interior designer, providing a thorough understanding of the cultural aspects of interior space. Projects range from designing interiors of large buildings to a single piece of furniture. Interior designers work with building construction, building materials and building product supply industries to create designs for interior built environments.

This course is one of the longest established and most respected interior design courses in Australia. It allows for specialised and flexible learning paths in which experimentation, exploration and investigation are offered.

Course aims

This course presents fundamental design concepts and explores all aspects of the interior – human factors, building structure and technology, environmental and other building systems, contextual issues, design theories and methods, and communication.

Career options

Career options include positions in event design, exhibition design, film and television production, furniture design, interior design (self-employed or within an interior design or architectural practice), marketing, textile design, theatre design or as a stylist.

Additional admission requirements

International students (excluding those studying in an Australian high school) must submit an application to UTS: International (in person, by mail or online) or through an accredited UTS representative. The application must include a portfolio of the student's work (preferably provided on CD or DVD).

In addition to the standard application requirements, all non-current school leaver applicants to this course are required to submit online a compulsory Personal Statement directly to UTS by the end of September. For further information, see UTS Personal Statements.

Additional assumed knowledge

Any two units of English.

Visual Arts; Art History; and/or Design are recommended. For non-current school leavers, previous related study or work experience would be of assistance.

Course duration and attendance

This course is offered on a four-year, full-time basis. The hours of attendance are generally four full days per week. Students can study this program part time after consultation with the Course Director.

Course structure

Students must complete 192 credit points comprising the following:

  • 156 credit points from the Core Program
  • 24 credit points of Elective subjects
  • 12 credit points of optional Design Studies subjects.

Course completion requirements

CBK90242 Sub-major/Electives (Design) 24cp
STM90642 Core subjects 156cp
CBK90778 Design Studies Year 2 6cp
CBK90779 Design Studies Year 4 6cp
Total 192cp

Course program

The example program below is for a student commencing in Autumn semester and undertaking the course full time. In Years 2 and 3 students choose a total of 24 credit points from CBK90242, comprising one sub-major or four electives.

Year 1
Autumn semester
86001 Strategies for Interior Design 6cp
86002 The Human Environment 6cp
86420 Interior Design Communication 6cp
85502 Researching Design History 6cp
Spring semester
86110 Interior Design Communication: Digital Media 6cp
86003 Interior Design Conceptualisation 6cp
86320 Interior Materiality and Design Detail 6cp
85503 Researching Design Processes 6cp
Year 2
Autumn or Spring semester
86023 Light, New Materials and Form 6cp
Select one subject from the following in CBK90778: 6cp
85500 Design Futures: Creative Technologies6cp 
85505 Design Interventions: Making Theories6cp 
85506 Design Differences: Intercultural Asia6cp 
85602 Interdisciplinary Design Lab: Undergraduate6cp 
85603 Interdisciplinary Design Experience: Undergraduate6cp 
Autumn semester
86021 Interior Design History 6cp
86022 Sustainable Human Futures: Residential Environments 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Spring semester
86024 Hospitality Environments 6cp
86025 Interior Elements and Design Detail 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Year 3
Autumn or Spring semester
86133 Interior Systems and Design Detail 6cp
Autumn semester
86150 Consumer Environments 6cp
86031 Directions in Spatial Experience 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Spring semester
86213 Interpreting Cultural Space 6cp
86160 Corporate Environments 6cp
85701 Research Based Designing 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Year 4
Autumn semester
86041 Interior Design Major Project: Research and Conceptualisation 12cp
86042 Interior Design Professional Project 12cp
Spring semester
86043 Interior Design Major Project: Realisation 12cp
86871 Professional Practice for Interior Designers 6cp
Select one subject from the following in CBK90779: 6cp
85504 Design Futures: Sustainable Lifestyles6cp 
85601 Design Interventions: Business Innovation6cp 
85602 Interdisciplinary Design Lab: Undergraduate6cp 
85603 Interdisciplinary Design Experience: Undergraduate6cp 
85605 Design Differences: Community Identities6cp 
CBK90242 Sub-major and electives list
CBK90246 Electives 24cp
SMJ03029 Technology 24cp
SMJ08157 Business Accounting 24cp
SMJ08189 Project Management 24cp
SMJ08190 Advertising 24cp
SMJ08191 Public Relations 24cp
SMJ08197 Marketing Principles 24cp
SMJ08198 Advertising Principles 24cp
SMJ08200 Construction Finance and Economics 24cp
SMJ09035 Language Other Than English (LOTE) 24cp
SMJ09036 Specialist Country Studies 24cp
SMJ09039 Aboriginal Studies 24cp
SMJ10011 Photography 24cp
SMJ10012 Textile Design 24cp
SMJ10013 Film and Video 24cp
SMJ10016 Furniture Design 24cp
SMJ10017 Design for Theatre 24cp
SMJ10019 Exhibition Design 24cp
SMJ10020 Architectural Studies 24cp
SMJ10021 Cultural Studies 24cp
SMJ10022 Public Communication 24cp
SMJ10023 Property Analysis 24cp
SMJ10024 Social Political and Historical Studies 24cp
SMJ10025 Writing 24cp
SMJ10026 Object and Accessory Design 24cp
SMJ10027 Audio Production 24cp

Other information

Further information is available from the Faculty Student Administration Unit on: