University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C10148v4 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Award(s): Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSc)
CRICOS code: 040941A
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 144
Course EFTSL: 3
Faculty/institute responsible: Information Technology
Location: City campus

Course aims
Career options
Additional assumed knowledge
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Industrial training/professional practice
Course completion requirements
Course program
Professional recognition
Other information


This course offers a sound education in all aspects of computing and information technology for students who intend to make a career in the profession, as well as providing a pathway to Honours, postgraduate study or a research career.

Students must choose one IT major. Students also have a choice of a second major or five sub-majors and electives to broaden their knowledge of information technology and other disciplines.

The course adopts a practice-based approach to IT education. The course content is designed with a mix of theory and practice. As well as gaining strong technical skills in IT, students gain skills in problem solving, teamwork and communication. Employers look for graduates with industry experience and, in this course, students are exposed to real IT problems and apply classroom learning on the job through the industrial training program.

The Faculty continues to support part-time study and the majority of subjects can be taken in the evening as well as during the day.

Course aims

The course aims to produce graduates who are able to apply, in the context of any organisation, the knowledge and skills required of:

  • information professionals in business units who integrate packaged systems rather than develop systems from first principles
  • IT professionals who develop systems from first principles
  • network specialists who build, maintain and administer complex network systems, or
  • technical specialists for technical research careers.

Career options

Career options include business analyst, IT researcher, network engineer, network specialist, software developer, software engineer or web developer. Graduates of this course are in high demand from technology companies and industries that use technology such as banking, construction, energy, finance, government, manufacturing, retail and transport.

If you are a non-current school leaver you are strongly advised to submit a Personal Statement to UTS 30 November 2007.

Additional assumed knowledge

Mathematics and any two units of English.

HSC Mathematics Extension 1 and English Advanced are recommended.

Additional recognition of prior learning

Students who have previously undertaken study at a university or other recognised tertiary education institution may be eligible for some academic credit for their prior study if the subjects previously completed are deemed by the Faculty to be equivalent to subjects in the course.

The prior study must have been completed before commencement of this course, but no earlier than three years before commencment. Students must be able to demonstrate that their knowledge is current.

International applicants who have completed a Diploma of Information Technology at Insearch, with a weighted average mark (WAM) of 60 per cent or greater and no more than two failures, are eligible for 48 credit points of advanced standing.

Local applicants who have completed a Diploma of Information Technology at Insearch and who are successful in gaining a place in this course are also eligible for 48 credit points of advanced standing, but must apply in competition with other non-current school leaver applicants.

Students who have completed a Diploma of Information Technology at TAFE NSW may be eligible for up to 24 credit points of advanced standing. Details of specific patterns of academic credit are available from the Faculty of Information Technology.

No academic credit is available in this course for study completed at a private college.

Course duration and attendance

The course is completed in three years, full time or six years, part time. A significant number of subjects are offered in the evening but some day-time attendance is required for part-time students.

Course structure

Students are required to complete 144 credit points, comprising 48 credit points of core subjects, 48 credit points for one compulsory IT major and 48 credit points of electives.

The 48 credit points of electives can be a combination of: a second IT major; two sub-majors; one sub-major and four electives; or eight electives.

Industrial training/professional practice

Industrial training is now available as a separate course and students enrol separately into the Diploma of Information Technology Professional Practice once they have secured suitable full-time employment in the IT industry. This incorporates a minimum of nine months' work experience and four supporting subjects at UTS. Full-time students normally undertake the Diploma after completing Year 2.

Course completion requirements

STM90651 Core subjects 48cp
CBK90781 Major choice 48cp
CBK90782 Major/Two sub-majors/Electives 48cp
Total 144cp

Course program

Example full-time programs are shown below, as well as a list of the IT majors and approved sub-majors available to students in this course. All students are required to complete one IT major.

Note: subjects listed as electives and IT major subjects may only be offered in a particular semester (or year) if there is sufficient demand and the Faculty has the necessary resources.

Listing of majors and sub-majors
MAJ02080 Business Information Systems Management 48cp
MAJ02081 Computing and Data Analytics 48cp
MAJ03444 Enterprise Systems Development 48cp
MAJ03445 Internetworking and Applications 48cp
SMJ01009 Statistics 24cp
SMJ01010 Electronics and Computer Interfacing 24cp
SMJ01012 Physics 24cp
SMJ01026 Operations Theory and Applications 24cp
SMJ02057 Scientific Computing 24cp
SMJ02064 Business Information Systems Management 24cp
SMJ02065 Computing and Data Analytics 24cp
SMJ02066 Computer Graphics and Animation 24cp
SMJ03036 Enterprise Systems Development 24cp
SMJ03037 Internetworking and Applications 24cp
SMJ08157 Business Accounting 24cp
SMJ08159 Employment Relations 24cp
SMJ08160 International Management 24cp
SMJ08188 Accounting for Small Business 24cp
SMJ08196 Innovation 24cp
SMJ08197 Marketing Principles 24cp
SMJ08198 Advertising Principles 24cp
SMJ09034 International Studies 24cp
SMJ09035 Language Other Than English (LOTE) 24cp
SMJ09036 Specialist Country Studies 24cp
SMJ09039 Aboriginal Studies 24cp
SMJ09040 Introductory Economics 24cp
SMJ09045 Information Technology Law 24cp
Business Information Systems Management major
Year 1
Autumn semester
31265 Communication for IT Professionals 6cp
31266 Introduction to Information Systems 6cp
31267 Programming Fundamentals 6cp
31268 Web Systems 6cp
Spring semester
31269 Business Requirements Modelling 6cp
31270 Networking Essentials 6cp
31247 Collaborative Business Processes 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
31271 Database Fundamentals 6cp
31257 Information System Development Methodologies 6cp
31255 Finance and IT 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Spring semester
31258 Innovations for Global Relationship Management 6cp
31245 Business Process and IT Strategy 6cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
31272 Project Management and the Professional 6cp
31276 Networked Enterprise Architecture 6cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Spring semester
31280 Strategic IT Project 6cp
31282 Systems Testing and Quality Management 6cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Enterprise Systems Development major
Year 1
Autumn semester
31265 Communication for IT Professionals 6cp
31266 Introduction to Information Systems 6cp
31267 Programming Fundamentals 6cp
31268 Web Systems 6cp
Spring semester
31269 Business Requirements Modelling 6cp
31270 Networking Essentials 6cp
31244 Applications Programming 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
31271 Database Fundamentals 6cp
31251 Data Structures and Algorithms 6cp
31279 Software Development and Processes 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Spring semester
31281 Systems Development Project 12cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
31272 Project Management and the Professional 6cp
31260 Interface Design 6cp
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
31284 Web Services Development6cp 
31278 Software Architecture6cp 
31253 Database Programming6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Spring semester
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
31284 Web Services Development6cp 
31278 Software Architecture6cp 
31253 Database Programming6cp 
Select 18 credit points of electives 18cp
Internetworking and Applications major
Year 1
Autumn semester
31265 Communication for IT Professionals 6cp
31266 Introduction to Information Systems 6cp
31267 Programming Fundamentals 6cp
31268 Web Systems 6cp
Spring semester
31269 Business Requirements Modelling 6cp
31270 Networking Essentials 6cp
31244 Applications Programming 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
31271 Database Fundamentals 6cp
31284 Web Services Development 6cp
31277 Routing and Internetworks 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Spring semester
31275 Mobile Networking 6cp
31246 Network Design 6cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
31272 Project Management and the Professional 6cp
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
31283 WANs and Virtual LANs6cp 
31285 Mobile Programming6cp 
31242 Advanced Internet Programming6cp 
31254 e-Commerce6cp 
31274 Network Management6cp 
31261 Internetworking Project6cp 
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Spring semester
31252 Network Security 6cp
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
31283 WANs and Virtual LANs6cp 
31285 Mobile Programming6cp 
31242 Advanced Internet Programming6cp 
31254 e-Commerce6cp 
31274 Network Management6cp 
31261 Internetworking Project6cp 
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Computing and Data Analytics major
Year 1
Autumn semester
31265 Communication for IT Professionals 6cp
31266 Introduction to Information Systems 6cp
31267 Programming Fundamentals 6cp
31268 Web Systems 6cp
Spring semester
31269 Business Requirements Modelling 6cp
31270 Networking Essentials 6cp
31244 Applications Programming 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
31271 Database Fundamentals 6cp
31251 Data Structures and Algorithms 6cp
33401 Introductory Mathematical Methods 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Spring semester
31250 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 6cp
35151 Statistics 1 6cp
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
31272 Project Management and the Professional 6cp
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
31284 Web Services Development6cp 
31253 Database Programming6cp 
31259 Intelligent Agents in Java6cp 
31256 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition6cp 
31243 Analytics Project6cp 
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp
Spring semester
Select two subjects from the following: 12cp
31284 Web Services Development6cp 
31253 Database Programming6cp 
31259 Intelligent Agents in Java6cp 
31256 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition6cp 
31243 Analytics Project6cp 
Select 12 credit points of electives 12cp


Students interested in research and who excel in their studies are eligible to undertake one additional full-time year of study in the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology (C09019) program.

Professional recognition

Australian Computer Society

Graduates qualify for professional-level membership.

Other information

Further information is available from the Building 10 Student Centre on:

telephone +61 2 9514 1222