University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C10096v2 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Journalism)

Award(s): Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BA)
UAC code: 608030 (CSP), 618030 (DFEE)
CRICOS code: 032309C
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 144
Course EFTSL: 3
Faculty/institute responsible: Humanities and Social Sciences
Location: City campus

Course aims
Career options
Additional assumed knowledge
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Industrial training/professional practice
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


Journalism education at UTS is based on the principle that professional journalism is founded on the public's right to know. This degree develops professional skills across all media, and critically engages with the intellectual, ethical and political foundations of journalism.

UTS Journalism has gained international recognition and prestige for the high calibre of its program and graduates. Lecturers are experienced journalists and academics, with extensive industry connections. Students learn the practice of journalism through relevant, real-world assignments, and have opportunities to publish their work and develop their professional portfolio.

Course aims

The aim of this course is to produce graduates who understand the role that journalists can play in creating a democratic public sphere that will give voice to diverse communities, provide a forum for community discussion and ask questions of the powerful.

Graduates of the degree:

  • are able to use their professional skills and knowledge across all media: print, television, radio, the Internet, online and multimedia
  • have a knowledge and critical understanding of the media
  • are equipped with the necessary skills to enter professional practice in the media
  • have a knowledge of the historical, philosophical, ethical and cultural foundations underpinning journalism and strive, throughout their careers, to promote the important role of professional and ethical journalism in service of the public
  • seek opportunities to make significant intellectual and creative contributions to the social, political and cultural life of the communities in which they live
  • have an understanding of the role of the media in local, regional, national and global contexts
  • have an understanding of the relationship of media theory and practice
  • have a critical understanding of the relationships between technology, professionalism and social change and are able to adapt their professional skills to future change and to new production challenges
  • have strong research skills to effectively retrieve and analyse information from a range of sources
  • have a critical understanding of issues of gender, race, ethnicity, disability and class and the way these are linked to issues of media representation, production and reception
  • understand the role the media has played in the dispossession of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the importance of the role the media can play in the reconciliation process and bringing justice to all communities
  • have developed the ability to be self-reliant and pro-active, flexible and innovative, and
  • have an understanding and commitment to ethical journalism practice.

Career options

Career options include editor or subeditor, feature writer, freelance writer, investigative journalist, media researcher or reporter, producer, publisher or strategist in the print, broadcast or online media.

Additional assumed knowledge

HSC English and computer literacy.

Additional recognition of prior learning

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has established recognition of prior learning packages with the following institutions for the courses listed:

  • Insearch UTS: Diploma of Communication
  • School of Communication, Taylor's College, Malaysia: Diploma in Communication (Journalism)
  • Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore: Diploma in Media Studies and Management
  • Temasek Polytechnic: Diploma in Communication and Media Management
  • Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore: Diploma in Mass Communication

Course duration and attendance

This course is offered on a three-year, full-time basis.

Course structure

A total of 144 credit points is allocated to the course: 68 credit points for Disciplinary Strand subjects, 44 credit points for Professional Strand subjects, and 32 credit points for Elective Studies subjects.

Industrial training/professional practice

Students take part in relevant and applied journalism tasks throughout the course and can elect to undertake a professional placement with a media organisation.

Course completion requirements

STM90387 Core 100-level disciplinary subjects 36cp
STM90383 Core subjects 36cp
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice 8cp
CBK90022 200-level Professional choice: Journalism 16cp
CBK90023 300-level Professional choice: Journalism 16cp
CBK90253 Electives (Journalism) 32cp
Total 144cp

Course program

The example program below is for a student commencing in Autumn semester.

Year 1
Autumn semester
      50105 Communication and Information Environments 6cp
      50107 Rethinking Culture 6cp
      50109 Power and Change in Australia 6cp
      50114 Journalism 1 6cp
Spring semester
      50106 Media, Information and Society 6cp
      50108 Contemporary Cultures 6cp
      50111 Colonialism and Modernity 6cp
      50115 Journalism 2 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
      50128 Media, Information and the Law 8cp
Select one subject from the following in CBK90022: 8cp
50148 Print Features8cp 
50150 Television Journalism 18cp 
50151 Radio Journalism 18cp 
50301 Editing and Publishing 18cp 
50303 Online Journalism 18cp 
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
      50129 News and Current Affairs 8cp
Select one subject from the following in CBK90022: 8cp
50148 Print Features8cp 
50150 Television Journalism 18cp 
50151 Radio Journalism 18cp 
50301 Editing and Publishing 18cp 
50303 Online Journalism 18cp 
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
      50174 Professional Practice and Culture 8cp
Select one subject from the following in CBK90023: 8cp
50192 Investigative Journalism8cp 
50194 Radio Journalism 28cp 
50195 Television Journalism 28cp 
50302 Editing and Publishing 28cp 
50304 Online Journalism 28cp 
50305 Specialist Reporting8cp 
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice 8cp
Select one subject from the following in CBK90023: 8cp
50192 Investigative Journalism8cp 
50194 Radio Journalism 28cp 
50195 Television Journalism 28cp 
50302 Editing and Publishing 28cp 
50304 Online Journalism 28cp 
50305 Specialist Reporting8cp 
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp


The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Communication (C09009) is available with an additional one year of full-time study for eligible students.

Other information

Further information is available from the Faculty Student Centre on: