University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C11154v6 Graduate Certificate in Higher Education in Teaching and Learning

Award(s): Graduate Certificate in Higher Education in Teaching and Learning (GradCertHEd)
Load credit points: 12
Course EFTSL: 0.25
Faculty/institute responsible: Education
Location: City campus


This course is not offered to international students.

Course aims
Additional admission requirements
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Other information


The Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning is offered by the Institute for Interactive Media and Learning (IML) through the Faculty of Education. The course helps participants to reflect critically on their teaching and subjects in ways which are underpinned by their own experiences and those of their students and colleagues and by the research on learning and teaching in higher education.

The course is designed for current university academics or part-time university teachers interested in an academic career.

Course aims

The course aims to encourage participants to develop:

  • an understanding of different ways of thinking about university teaching, and the consequences for student learning, to enable them to make informed decisions about their approaches to teaching, subject design and assessment in a variety of contexts and with a diversity of students (relates to professional and intellectual attributes)
  • an ability to reflect critically on and evaluate their own teaching and subjects and make changes aimed at improving their students' learning (relates to professional and intellectual attributes)
  • a commitment to scholarship in teaching and to self-directed continuing teaching development (relates to professional and personal attributes), and
  • a broader awareness of the higher education, university and academic career contexts in which they work, to assist them to develop their academic potential more effectively (relates to professional and personal attributes).

Additional admission requirements

Applicants must be full-time or fractional university academics, or casual university teachers who can provide evidence of ongoing teaching during course enrolment. UTS full-time or fractional-time staff are exempt from paying course fees through sponsorship by the University.

Course duration and attendance

The course may be completed over one year, but students may also choose to complete over a longer period of time. The course is a modular part-time program, equivalent to eight weeks of full-time study.

Modules vary in their modes of offering, but a typical module would involve two face-to-face interactive workshops and online interaction. Some modules are offered in alternative distance mode, involving paper-based and/or video materials with online discussion.

Course structure

The course consists of 12 credit points of study, comprising four subjects which must be completed to be eligible for the award.

Course completion requirements

010035 Student Learning and Teaching Approaches 3cp
010036 Reflective Academic Practice 3cp
010037 Course Design and Assessment 3cp
010038 Scholarly Teaching and Learning Project 3cp
Total 12cp

Other information

Further information is available from IML on: