University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C03004v3 Master of Business in Accounting (Research)

Award(s): Master of Business (MBus)
CRICOS code: 043436E
Load credit points: 0
Course EFTSL: 2
Faculty/institute responsible: Business
Location: City and/or Kuring-gai campus


Research degrees are offered on a sponsored, scholarship, or full-fee-paying basis. Contact the Faculty or the University Graduate School for further details.

Career options
Additional admission requirements
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Other information


The Master of Business (Research) program is for graduates seeking to extend and deepen their knowledge through an appropriate research investigation under supervision by academic staff of the Faculty.

This program is suitable for students who have completed a coursework degree and wish to develop in a more focused way by means of research. Students develop critical and analytical skills and advanced research skills to enable in-depth exploration of their chosen area.

Career options

Career options include management-level positions in industry or government, and academic positions.

Additional admission requirements

An applicant should hold a Bachelor of Business degree from UTS or an equivalent qualification, or submit other evidence of general and professional qualifications which will satisfy the Academic Board that the applicant possesses the educational preparation and capacity to pursue graduate studies. Applicants must also satisfy such additional requirements as may be prescribed by the Faculty Board.

Each applicant is required, prior to application, to discuss a thesis topic with the relevant School Research Coordinator who then advises whether appropriate supervisors and resources are available. Applicants are also required to submit a brief thesis proposal with their application.

Course duration and attendance

The maximum course duration is two years of full-time, or three years of part-time study.

Course structure

The main requirement of the degree is the preparation of a thesis of 40,000–50,000 words, which presents the results of original research of a theoretical or applied nature.

Students are also required to complete the two-subject sequence relevant to their thesis topic. The first is a research techniques subject and the second involves formal seminar presentations giving an update of thesis research. In addition to these subjects, candidates may be required to enrol in subjects specified by their supervisors. During their candidature, students' progress is monitored by a Master's assessment and regular progress reports.

For further details, refer to the Faculty's Postgraduate course information.

Course completion requirements

22983 Master of Business Thesis (Accounting) 0cp

Other information

Further information is available from the University Graduate School or online at: