University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C11048v3 Graduate Certificate in Engineering

Award(s): Graduate Certificate in Engineering (GradCertE)
UAC code: 942314 (PDFP) (Autumn semester), 945311 (Groundwater Management major) (Spring semester), 945312 (Computer Control Engineering major) (Spring semester), 945313 (Energy Planning and Policy major) (Spring semester), 945314 (No specified major) (Spring semester), 945315 (Local Government Engineering major) (Spring semester), 945329 (Manufacturing Engineering and Management major) (Spring semester), 945345 (Software major) (Spring semester), 945346 (Structural Engineering major) (Spring semester), 945347 (Telecommunication Networks major) (Spring semester), 945348 (Telecommunications Engineering major) (Spring semester), 945349 (Water Engineering major) (Spring semester)
CRICOS code: 016935K
Load credit points: 24
Course EFTSL: 0.5
Faculty/institute responsible: Engineering
Location: City campus

Additional admission requirements
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


This course is designed to provide an opportunity for practising professional engineers or technologists to extend their engineering knowledge, and to update their knowledge and skills in line with recent advances. It also allows graduates in cognate disciplines to undertake formal study in engineering, and may be of value to professionally-qualified immigrant engineers seeking orientation to Australian conditions and practice.


Work undertaken in the Graduate Certificate course may be credited towards a Master's degree provided the entry requirements of the Master's degree are met in full. Completion of the requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Engineering does not guarantee admission to Master's candidature. Eligibility for consideration may be subject to the attainment of a certain level of performance – typically, a weighted average mark in completed subjects of at least 60 per cent over 18 credit points.

Additional admission requirements

An applicant should:

  • be a graduate in Engineering of UTS
  • hold a degree or equivalent from another higher education institution deemed to be equivalent to the Bachelor of Engineering degree at UTS, or
  • for those applicants without formal qualifications, produce such other evidence of general and professional qualifications sufficient to show the educational preparation and capacity to pursue graduate studies.

Additional recognition of prior learning

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is considered in accordance with the University policy on RPL (which can be viewed online). The maximum amount of RPL granted is 6 credit points (without exception).

Course duration and attendance

The course may be taken on a one-semester, full-time, or a one-year, part-time basis.

Classes are usually held in the evenings, in block and/or distance mode.

Course structure

Students complete 24 credit points of study, designing their own program to suit individual needs. Program details are determined prior to enrolment, in consultation with, and with the approval of, an academic adviser designated by the Director, Postgraduate Coursework Programs.

Some program majors may require students to complete prescribed subjects with or without opportunity for electives. In these cases the area of program major is recognised on the candidate's academic record.

At least 60 per cent of the content of any individual program shall consist of subjects offered by the Faculty of Engineering. Subject selection should be clearly related to a professional theme.

Course completion requirements

CBK90329 Major choice 24cp
Total 24cp

Course program

The tables below give details of each major. For each major there are four tables. The first lists compulsory subjects and the full list of allowable option choices for the major. The next three tables give a recommended program for three different types of students: those undertaking the course full time and commencing in Autumn semester, those undertaking the course full time and commencing in Spring semester and those undertaking the course part time and commencing in Autumn semester. Where an elective is specified, any subject in the range 49000 to 49999 is acceptable. Recommended programs take account of the semesters in which subjects are offered and the way the timetable is designed to avoid clashes. Some subjects are offered in weekly mode, others in block mode and others in distance mode or a combination of modes. Note that the major in Integrated Logistic Support and Engineering Management is only available to approved employees of the Defence Materials Organisation.

List of majors
MAJ01096 Groundwater Management 24cp
MAJ03420 Computer Control Engineering 24cp
MAJ03421 Energy Planning and Policy 24cp
MAJ03422 Local Government Engineering 24cp
MAJ03424 Manufacturing Engineering and Management 24cp
MAJ03425 Software Engineering 24cp
MAJ03426 Structural Engineering 24cp
MAJ03427 Telecommunication Networks 24cp
MAJ03428 Telecommunications Engineering 24cp
MAJ03429 Water Engineering 24cp
CBK90472 No specified major 24cp
MAJ03451 Integrated Logistic Support and Engineering Management 24cp
Computer Control Engineering major
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
49261 Biomedical Instrumentation6cp 
49274 Advanced Robotics6cp 
49275 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic6cp 
Select two subjects from the following: 12cp
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies6cp 
49261 Biomedical Instrumentation6cp 
49262 Web Technologies6cp 
49263 Software Analysis and Design6cp 
49264 Software Quality Processes6cp 
49265 Software Technologies6cp 
49274 Advanced Robotics6cp 
49275 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Computer Control Engineering major Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies 6cp
49265 Software Technologies 6cp
49275 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Computer Control Engineering major Spring commencing full time
Year 1
Spring semester
49261 Biomedical Instrumentation 6cp
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies 6cp
49274 Advanced Robotics 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Computer Control Engineering major Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies 6cp
49275 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 6cp
Spring semester
49261 Biomedical Instrumentation 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Energy Planning and Policy major
Select one of the following: 6cp
      49001 Judgment and Decision Making6cp 
      49004 Systems Engineering for Managers6cp 
Select three subjects from the following: 18cp
49024 Energy Modelling6cp 
49025 Methods for Energy Analysis6cp 
49026 Electricity Sector Planning and Restructuring6cp 
49027 Energy Demand Analysis and Forecasting6cp 
49028 Policy and Planning of Energy Conservation6cp 
49029 Environmental Policy for Energy Systems6cp 
49701 Gas Sector Planning6cp 
49702 Gas Distribution Technology and Management6cp 
49706 Regulatory Economics6cp 
Energy Planning and Policy major Autumn commencing full time
49001 Judgment and Decision Making 6cp
49021 Evaluation of Infrastructure Investments 6cp
49025 Methods for Energy Analysis 6cp
49026 Electricity Sector Planning and Restructuring 6cp
Energy Planning and Policy major Spring commencing full time
Year 1
Spring semester
49004 Systems Engineering for Managers 6cp
49024 Energy Modelling 6cp
49028 Policy and Planning of Energy Conservation 6cp
49706 Regulatory Economics 6cp
Energy Planning and Policy major Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49001 Judgment and Decision Making 6cp
49021 Evaluation of Infrastructure Investments 6cp
Year 2
Spring semester
49024 Energy Modelling 6cp
49706 Regulatory Economics 6cp
Groundwater Management major
Select three subjects from the following: 18cp
49551 Surface Hydrology and Groundwater6cp 
49555 Groundwater Modelling6cp 
66014 Hydrogeology6cp 
66015 Hydrogeochemistry6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Groundwater Management major Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49551 Surface Hydrology and Groundwater 6cp
49555 Groundwater Modelling 6cp
66014 Hydrogeology 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Groundwater Management major Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49551 Surface Hydrology and Groundwater 6cp
49555 Groundwater Modelling 6cp
Spring semester
66014 Hydrogeology 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Local Government Engineering major
Select three subjects from the following: 18cp
49102 Traffic and Transportation6cp 
49104 Asset Maintenance Management6cp 
49105 Water Supply and Wastewater Management6cp 
49106 Road Engineering Practice6cp 
49107 Urban Stormwater Design6cp 
49108 Local Government Powers and Practice6cp 
49121 Environmental Assessment and Planning6cp 
49126 Environmental Management of Land6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Integrated Logistic Support and Engineering Management major
49001 Judgment and Decision Making 6cp
49309 Quality Planning and Analysis 6cp
49655 Integrated Logistic Support 6cp
49678 Reliability Availability and Maintainability 6cp
Year 1
Autumn semester
Spring semester
Integrated Logistic Support and Eng Mgmt major Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49309 Quality Planning and Analysis 6cp
49655 Integrated Logistic Support 6cp
Spring semester
49001 Judgment and Decision Making 6cp
49678 Reliability Availability and Maintainability 6cp
Integrated Logistic Support and Eng Mgmt major Spring commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
Spring semester
49001 Judgment and Decision Making 6cp
49678 Reliability Availability and Maintainability 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
49309 Quality Planning and Analysis 6cp
49655 Integrated Logistic Support 6cp
Local Government Engineering major Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49102 Traffic and Transportation 6cp
49107 Urban Stormwater Design 6cp
49108 Local Government Powers and Practice 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Local Government Engineering major Spring commencing full time
Year 1
Spring semester
49104 Asset Maintenance Management 6cp
49106 Road Engineering Practice 6cp
49121 Environmental Assessment and Planning 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Local Government Engineering major Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49102 Traffic and Transportation 6cp
49108 Local Government Powers and Practice 6cp
Spring semester
49121 Environmental Assessment and Planning 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Manufacturing Engineering and Management major
Select three subjects from the following: 18cp
49002 Managing Projects6cp 
49049 Air and Noise Pollution6cp 
49307 Internal Combustion Engines6cp 
49316 Materials Handling6cp 
49321 Energy Conversion6cp 
49322 Airconditioning6cp 
49323 Vibration Analysis6cp 
49325 Computer-aided Mechanical Design6cp 
49328 Turbomachines6cp 
49928 Optimisation Methods and Applications in Engineering6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Manufacturing Engineering and Management major Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49322 Airconditioning 6cp
49316 Materials Handling 6cp
49323 Vibration Analysis 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Manufacturing Engineering and Management major Spring commencing full time
Year 1
Spring semester
49307 Internal Combustion Engines 6cp
49325 Computer-aided Mechanical Design 6cp
49328 Turbomachines 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Manufacturing Engineering and Management major Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49316 Materials Handling 6cp
49322 Airconditioning 6cp
Spring semester
49325 Computer-aided Mechanical Design 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Software Engineering major
49265 Software Technologies 6cp
Select two subjects from the following: 12cp
49002 Managing Projects6cp 
49262 Web Technologies6cp 
49263 Software Analysis and Design6cp 
49264 Software Quality Processes6cp 
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
49001 Judgment and Decision Making6cp 
49013 Managing Information Technology in Engineering6cp 
49016 Technology and Innovation Management6cp 
49306 Quality and Operations Management Systems6cp 
Software Engineering major Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49263 Software Analysis and Design 6cp
49002 Managing Projects 6cp
49264 Software Quality Processes 6cp
49265 Software Technologies 6cp
Software Engineering major Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49263 Software Analysis and Design 6cp
49265 Software Technologies 6cp
Spring semester
49262 Web Technologies 6cp
49001 Judgment and Decision Making 6cp
Structural Engineering major
Select three subjects from the following: 18cp
49047 Finite Element Analysis6cp 
49131 Bridge Design6cp 
49132 Stability of Structures6cp 
49133 Steel and Composite Design6cp 
49134 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering6cp 
49136 Application of Timber in Engineering Structures6cp 
49150 Prestressed Concrete Design6cp 
49152 Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures6cp 
49002 Managing Projects6cp 
49927 Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Civil Engineering Applications6cp 
49151 Concrete Technology and Practice6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Structural Engineering major even year Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49002 Managing Projects 6cp
Select two subjects from the following: 12cp
49132 Stability of Structures6cp 
49150 Prestressed Concrete Design6cp 
49927 Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Civil Engineering Applications6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Structural Engineering major even year Spring commencing full time
Year 1
Spring semester
49002 Managing Projects 6cp
Select two subjects from the following: 12cp
49136 Application of Timber in Engineering Structures6cp 
49141 Numerical Methods in Geomechanics6cp 
49115 Facade Engineering6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Structural Engineering major even year Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
Select two subjects from the following: 12cp
49132 Stability of Structures6cp 
49150 Prestressed Concrete Design6cp 
49927 Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Civil Engineering Applications6cp 
Spring semester
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
49115 Facade Engineering6cp 
49136 Application of Timber in Engineering Structures6cp 
49141 Numerical Methods in Geomechanics6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Structural Engineering major odd year Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49002 Managing Projects 6cp
Select two subjects from the following: 12cp
49131 Bridge Design6cp 
49134 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering6cp 
49152 Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Structural Engineering major odd year Spring commencing full time
Year 1
Spring semester
49002 Managing Projects 6cp
Select two subjects from the following: 12cp
49047 Finite Element Analysis6cp 
49133 Steel and Composite Design6cp 
49151 Concrete Technology and Practice6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Structural Engineering major odd year Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
Select two subjects from the following: 12cp
49131 Bridge Design6cp 
49134 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering6cp 
49152 Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures6cp 
Spring semester
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
49047 Finite Element Analysis6cp 
49133 Steel and Composite Design6cp 
49151 Concrete Technology and Practice6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Telecommunications Engineering major
Select one of the following: 6cp
      49205 Transmission Systems6cp 
      49215 Telecommunications Industry Management6cp 
Select two subjects from the following: 12cp
49205 Transmission Systems6cp 
49215 Telecommunications Industry Management6cp 
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies6cp 
49099 GSM, GPRS and EDGE Technologies6cp 
49201 Integrated Services Networks6cp 
49238 Telecommunication Networks Management6cp 
49249 Telecommunications Engineering Foundation 26cp 
49223 Satellite Communication Systems6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Telecommunications Engineering major Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies 6cp
49099 GSM, GPRS and EDGE Technologies 6cp
49205 Transmission Systems 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Telecommunications Engineering major Spring commencing full time
Year 1
Spring semester
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies 6cp
49201 Integrated Services Networks 6cp
49215 Telecommunications Industry Management 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Telecommunications Engineering major Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies 6cp
49205 Transmission Systems 6cp
Spring semester
49215 Telecommunications Industry Management 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Telecommunication Networks major
Select one of the following: 6cp
      49202 Communication Protocols6cp 
      49238 Telecommunication Networks Management6cp 
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
49202 Communication Protocols6cp 
49238 Telecommunication Networks Management6cp 
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies6cp 
49201 Integrated Services Networks6cp 
49215 Telecommunications Industry Management6cp 
49219 Emerging Internetworking Protocols6cp 
49249 Telecommunications Engineering Foundation 26cp 
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
49202 Communication Protocols6cp 
49238 Telecommunication Networks Management6cp 
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies6cp 
49201 Integrated Services Networks6cp 
49215 Telecommunications Industry Management6cp 
49219 Emerging Internetworking Protocols6cp 
49249 Telecommunications Engineering Foundation 26cp 
49262 Web Technologies6cp 
49263 Software Analysis and Design6cp 
49266 Software Architecture and Middleware6cp 
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Telecommunications Networks major Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies 6cp
49202 Communication Protocols 6cp
49219 Emerging Internetworking Protocols 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Telecommunications Networks major Spring commencing full time
Year 1
Spring semester
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies 6cp
49201 Integrated Services Networks 6cp
49238 Telecommunication Networks Management 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Telecommunications Networks major Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies 6cp
49202 Communication Protocols 6cp
Spring semester
49238 Telecommunication Networks Management 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Water Engineering major Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49107 Urban Stormwater Design 6cp
49124 Water Quality Management 6cp
49126 Environmental Management of Land 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
Water Engineering major Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49107 Urban Stormwater Design 6cp
49126 Environmental Management of Land 6cp
Spring semester
49124 Water Quality Management 6cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp
No specified major
Select 24 credit points of options 24cp
#01 List of majors
MAJ03420 Computer Control Engineering 24cp
MAJ03421 Energy Planning and Policy 24cp
MAJ01096 Groundwater Management 24cp
MAJ03451 Integrated Logistic Support and Engineering Management 24cp
MAJ03422 Local Government Engineering 24cp
MAJ03424 Manufacturing Engineering and Management 24cp
MAJ03425 Software Engineering 24cp
MAJ03426 Structural Engineering 24cp
MAJ03427 Telecommunication Networks 24cp
MAJ03428 Telecommunications Engineering 24cp
MAJ03429 Water Engineering 24cp
CBK90472 No specified major 24cp
Select 18 credit points of options 18cp
Select 6 credit points of electives 6cp

Other information

Further information is available from the Engineering Outreach Office on: