Writers tell their own stories, and in doing so they tell the stories of the societies they live in. This course combines a professional degree with immersion in another language and culture, enhancing professional training and career options. This combined degree is designed to broaden students' awareness of writing and the work of the writer in relation to different languages and cultures.
Writing at UTS is studied as a craft undertaken in close engagement with, and responsiveness to, the writer's society. Australia is uniquely positioned to play a significant role in the 21st century. Its writers will be a vital part of understanding and defining this role and they will be better equipped for this task with an understanding of their own and other contemporary cultures as they go about their work.
Admission to the combined degree is on merit according to the admissions policy for the Bachelor of Arts in Communication (C10099). There is a range of entry levels to the various Language and Culture programs. Students are admitted to the International Studies program with no guarantee of entry to a specific major, although every effort is made to meet students' preferences.
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has introduced a variation of the inpUTS Scheme as it applies to certain prospective students applying for any of the Bachelor of Arts in Communication courses. Further details on this scheme can be found online at:
HSC English and computer literacy (i.e. word-processing skills and familiarity with other applications). There are no prior language requirements, except for programs within the Heritage major.
This course is offered on a five-year, full-time basis.
Students spend their fourth year of study at a university overseas.
A total of 240 credit points is allocated to this combined degree course: 144 credit points to the Communication degree and 96 credit points to the International Studies component.
The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies requires undergraduates to study a major – a region or country – over a minimum of three years.
The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies is not offered as a separate degree, but is completed only in combination with the professional degree program.
STM90387 Core 100-level disciplinary subjects | 36cp | |
STM90385 Core subjects | 12cp | |
CBK90014 200-level Disciplinary choice: Cultural Studies | 8cp | |
CBK90745 200/300-level Disciplinary choice | 8cp | |
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice | 8cp | |
CBK90015 300-level Disciplinary choice: Cultural Studies | 8cp | |
CBK90034 200-level Professional choice: Writing | 16cp | |
CBK90035 300-level Professional choice: Writing | 16cp | |
CBK90251 Electives | 32cp | |
CBK90005 Country major choice | 96cp | |
Total | 240cp |
The example program below is for a student commencing in Autumn semester with the Germany major as the International Studies major. Other countries may be chosen from the list of majors in CBK90005; the program has the same structure but with subjects specific to the chosen country major.
Year 1 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
STM90387 | ||
50105 Communication and Information Environments | 6cp | |
50107 Rethinking Culture | 6cp | |
50109 Power and Change in Australia | 6cp | |
STM90385 | ||
50122 Writing: Style and Structure | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
STM90387 | ||
50106 Media, Information and Society | 6cp | |
50108 Contemporary Cultures | 6cp | |
50111 Colonialism and Modernity | 6cp | |
STM90385 | ||
50123 Narrative Writing | 6cp | |
Year 2 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
CBK90005 | ||
8cp | ||
97601 German Language and Culture 1 | 8cp | |
Select one subject from the following in CBK90014: | 8cp | |
50133 Music and Popular Culture | 8cp | |
50134 Culture, Writing and Textuality | 8cp | |
50135 Television and Popular Culture | 8cp | |
50136 Cinematic Cultures | 8cp | |
Spring semester | ||
CBK90005 | ||
97602 German Language and Culture 2 | 8cp | |
Select one subject from the following in CBK90015: | 8cp | |
50180 Culture and Poetics | 8cp | |
50252 Culture and Technology | 8cp | |
50253 Culture and Sound | 8cp | |
50254 Contemporary Cinema | 8cp | |
50255 Documentary Study | 8cp | |
50256 Genre Study | 8cp | |
Select 8 credit points of electives | 8cp | |
Year 3 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
CBK90005 | ||
97603 German Language and Culture 3 | 8cp | |
Select one subject from the following in CBK90034: | 8cp | |
50002 Introduction to Short Fiction | 8cp | |
50168 Writing for Performance: Screen, Sound and Stage | 8cp | |
50169 Writing and New Media | 8cp | |
50307 Ficto-Critical Writing | 8cp | |
50308 Creative Non-Fiction | 8cp | |
50359 Screenwriting | 8cp | |
Select 8 credit points of electives | 8cp | |
Spring semester | ||
CBK90005 | ||
97604 German Language and Culture 4 | 8cp | |
976421 Contemporary Germany | 8cp | |
Select one subject from the following in CBK90034: | 8cp | |
50002 Introduction to Short Fiction | 8cp | |
50168 Writing for Performance: Screen, Sound and Stage | 8cp | |
50169 Writing and New Media | 8cp | |
50307 Ficto-Critical Writing | 8cp | |
50308 Creative Non-Fiction | 8cp | |
50359 Screenwriting | 8cp | |
Year 4 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
CBK90005 | ||
977420 In-country Study 1: Germany | 24cp | |
Spring semester | ||
CBK90005 | ||
978420 In-country Study 2: Germany | 24cp | |
Year 5 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice | 8cp | |
Select one subject from the following in CBK90035: | 8cp | |
50003 Introduction to Novel Writing | 8cp | |
50004 Writing for Television | 8cp | |
50224 Poetry Workshop | 8cp | |
50225 Independent Writing Project | 8cp | |
50306 Genre Writing Workshop | 8cp | |
50309 Advanced Screenwriting | 8cp | |
Select 8 credit points of electives | 8cp | |
Spring semester | ||
Select one subject from the following in CBK90745: | 8cp | |
50133 Music and Popular Culture | 8cp | |
50134 Culture, Writing and Textuality | 8cp | |
50135 Television and Popular Culture | 8cp | |
50136 Cinematic Cultures | 8cp | |
50180 Culture and Poetics | 8cp | |
50252 Culture and Technology | 8cp | |
50253 Culture and Sound | 8cp | |
50254 Contemporary Cinema | 8cp | |
50255 Documentary Study | 8cp | |
50256 Genre Study | 8cp | |
Select one subject from the following in CBK90035: | 8cp | |
50003 Introduction to Novel Writing | 8cp | |
50004 Writing for Television | 8cp | |
50224 Poetry Workshop | 8cp | |
50225 Independent Writing Project | 8cp | |
50306 Genre Writing Workshop | 8cp | |
Select 8 credit points of electives | 8cp |
Further information on the Communication component is available from the Faculty Student Centre on:
Further information on the International Studies program is available from the Institute on: