Research degrees are offered on a sponsored, scholarship, faculty part-sponsored, or full-fee-paying basis. Contact the Faculty or the University Graduate School for further details.
While the Faculty may be in a position to provide access to media production facilities for DCA candidates, it provides neither training in the use of those facilities nor the cost of materials.
The Doctor of Creative Arts (DCA) is for graduates who have a significant record of achievement in the media and the creative arts and who want to undertake substantial research in the areas of media and creative production.
The research degrees offered by the Faculty are especially valuable for those wishing to pursue an academic career, a career in research or an advanced level of professional practice.
Selection criteria for admission include a Bachelor's degree with Honours, a Master's degree or equivalent, the quality of the applicant's portfolio of published, screened, exhibited or broadcast creative work, the quality of the research proposal, the Faculty's ability to offer appropriate supervision in the applicant's chosen field, proficiency in English comprehension and expression and, where necessary, demonstration of generic technical skills.
The maximum course duration is four years of full-time, or six years of part-time study.
The work produced for the DCA is of equivalent intellectual scope and level to a PhD, but is presented in non-traditional formats. Coursework subjects may be prescribed according to individual student requirements. The substantial creative work should be the equivalent of a 50,000 to 70,000-word written work, accompanied by a 30,000-word dissertation.
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Further information is available from the Faculty's Research Degrees Administrator on: