This new course will be available for enrolment in 2008.
This course has been specifically designed to respond to the new demands created by the increasing convergence of information, media and communication, design, and the creative arts by integrating these elements in the curriculum. The course uses a 'learning through making' approach which is creative, collaborative and critical. The broad range of skills and knowledge needed for creative information practice is reflected in the portfolio students develop throughout the course.
This interdisciplinary course prepares students for work in a variety of creative information design and management roles. Students develop an understanding of the interrelationships between people, information and communication technologies, as well as practical skills in areas such as web design and architecture, media research and writing information and media content for diverse audiences. Students develop a portfolio of products including blogs, podcasts, websites, databases and audience and user analyses. The course also provides students with an opportunity to develop a secondary specialisation to complement core studies and also to undertake an optional professional placement.
The course aims to enable students to:
Career options include work as web designers, information architects, media researchers, information managers, content developers or content managers, librarians, database designers, collection developers, project managers and in many other roles.
HSC English and computer literacy.
Arrangements for recognition of prior learning for study undertaken at other institutions will be negotiated during 2007.
The course is offered on a three year, full-time basis.
A total of 144 credit points is allocated to the course: 68 credit points for Disciplinary Strand subjects, 44 credit points for Professional Strand subjects and 32 credit points for Elective Studies subjects.
Students contribute to the development of their professional portfolio thoughout the course, have opportunities for industry placements and undertake a final capstone project for a client.
STM90387 Core 100-level disciplinary subjects | 36cp | |
STM90500 Information and Media Core | 68cp | |
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice | 8cp | |
CBK90251 Electives | 32cp | |
Total | 144cp |
Year 1 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
STM90387 | ||
50105 Communication and Information Environments | 6cp | |
50107 Rethinking Culture | 6cp | |
50109 Power and Change in Australia | 6cp | |
STM90500 | ||
50007 Creative Information Design | 6cp | |
Spring semester | ||
STM90387 | ||
50106 Media, Information and Society | 6cp | |
50108 Contemporary Cultures | 6cp | |
50111 Colonialism and Modernity | 6cp | |
STM90500 | ||
50010 Information Discovery and Analysis | 6cp | |
Year 2 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
STM90500 | ||
50524 Word, Image, Sound | 8cp | |
50009 Information Cultures | 8cp | |
Select 8 credit points of electives | 8cp | |
Spring semester | ||
STM90500 | ||
50482 Social Informatics | 8cp | |
50008 Designing for the Web | 8cp | |
Select 8 credit points of electives | 8cp | |
Year 3 | ||
Autumn semester | ||
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice | 8cp | |
STM90500 | ||
50012 Storing Objects and Artifacts | 8cp | |
Select 8 credit points of electives | 8cp | |
Spring semester | ||
STM90500 | ||
50011 Information Politics and Policies | 8cp | |
50190 Professional Information Project | 8cp | |
Select 8 credit points of electives | 8cp |
The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Communication (C09009) is available with an additional one year of full-time study for eligible students.
The Faculty is seeking professional recognition of the course by the Australian Library and Information Association.
Further information is available from the Faculty Student Centre on: