University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C10237v1 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Information and Media) and in International Studies

Award(s): Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BA)
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (BA)

CRICOS code: 060174C
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 240
Course EFTSL: 5
Faculty/institute responsible: Humanities and Social Sciences
Collaborating faculty/institute: Institute for International Studies


This new course will be available for enrolment in 2008.

Career options
Additional assumed knowledge
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Professional recognition
Other information


The combined degree enhances the interdisciplinary nature of the professionally oriented information and media degree through immersion in another language and culture.

Apart from the wider educational goals, the course also helps graduates become more effective as information professionals, whether in Australia or overseas.

Career options

Career options include work as web designers, information architects, media researchers, information managers, content developers or content managers, librarians, database designers, collection developers, project managers and in many other roles. Career options are also enhanced by international experience.

Additional assumed knowledge

HSC English and computer literacy.

Additional recognition of prior learning

Arrangements for recognition of prior learning for study undertaken at other institutions will be negotiated during 2007.

Course duration and attendance

The course is offered on a five year, full-time basis.

Students spend their fourth year of study at a university overseas.

Course structure

A total of 240 credit points is allocated to this combined degree course: 144 credit points to the Communication degree and 96 credit points to the International Studies component.

The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies requires undergraduates to study a major – a region or country – over a minimum of three years.

The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies is not offered as a separate degree, but is completed only in combination with the professional degree program.a

Course completion requirements

STM90387 Core 100-level disciplinary subjects 36cp
STM90500 Information and Media Core 68cp
CBK90005 Country major choice 96cp
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice 8cp
CBK90251 Electives 32cp
Total 240cp

Course program

The example program below is for a student commencing in Autumn semester with the Germany major as the International Studies major. Other countries may be chosen from the list of majors in CBK90005; the program has the same structure but with subjects specific to the chosen country major.

Year 1
Autumn semester
      50105 Communication and Information Environments 6cp
      50107 Rethinking Culture 6cp
      50109 Power and Change in Australia 6cp
      50007 Creative Information Design 6cp
Spring semester
      50106 Media, Information and Society 6cp
      50108 Contemporary Cultures 6cp
      50111 Colonialism and Modernity 6cp
      50010 Information Discovery and Analysis 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
      50009 Information Cultures 8cp
      97601 German Language and Culture 1 8cp
Spring semester
      50482 Social Informatics 8cp
      97602 German Language and Culture 2 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
      50524 Word, Image, Sound 8cp
      97603 German Language and Culture 3 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
      50008 Designing for the Web 8cp
      97604 German Language and Culture 4 8cp
      976421 Contemporary Germany 8cp
Year 4
Autumn semester
      977420 In-country Study 1: Germany 24cp
Spring semester
      978420 In-country Study 2: Germany 24cp
Year 5
Autumn semester
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice 8cp
      50012 Storing Objects and Artifacts 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
      50011 Information Politics and Policies 8cp
      50190 Professional Information Project 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp

Professional recognition

The Faculty is seeking professional recognition of the course by the Australian Library and Information Association.

Other information

Further information on the Communication component is available from the Faculty Student Centre on:

Further information on the International Studies program is available from the Institute on:

telephone +61 2 9514 1574
fax +61 2 9514 1578