University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C10157v3 Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance Bachelor of Arts in International Studies

Award(s): Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (BMathFin)
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (BA)

UAC code: 609220 (CSP), 619220 (DFEE)
CRICOS code: 026197A
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 240
Course EFTSL: 5
Faculty/institute responsible: Science
Collaborating faculty/institute: Institute for International Studies
Location: City campus

Career options
Additional admission requirements
Additional assumed knowledge
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


This course integrates studies in mathematics and finance with a major in the language and culture of another country. Students undertake an integrated sequence of study in mathematics, statistics, finance, economics, accounting and computing.

The course provides sound training in both the traditional theory of finance and the mathematical aspects of modern portfolio management techniques. Graduates find interesting and rewarding employment in major financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies and government instrumentalities.

Career options

Financial institutions, corporations and government instrumentalities seek graduates of this course to take up rewarding positions in quantitative and financial analysis. Career options include positions in derivative pricing and risk management, portfolio management, stock market analysis, and other fields of high responsibility and high reward in the finance industry. With one year of international experience gained from studying and living overseas, graduates find it easier to adapt and work overseas or in Australia.

Additional admission requirements

Admission to the combined degree is on merit according to the admissions policy for the Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (C10155). There is a range of entry levels to the various Language and Culture programs. Students are admitted to the International Studies program with no guarantee of entry to a specific major, although every effort is made to meet students' preferences.

Additional assumed knowledge

There are no prior language requirements, except for programs within the Heritage major.

Course duration and attendance

The combined degree is available only on a full-time basis over five years. Students spend their fourth year of study at a university overseas.

Course structure

Students are required to complete 240 credit points, comprising 144 credit points in Mathematics and Finance and 96 credit points in International Studies.

The Mathematics and Finance component of the course includes an integrated sequence of subjects in mathematics, statistics, finance, economics, accounting and computing.

The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies requires undergraduates to study a major – a region or country – over a minimum of three years. Students spend their fourth year of study at a university overseas.

The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies is not offered as a separate degree, but is completed only in combination with the professional degree program.

Course completion requirements

22107 Accounting for Business 6cp
25115 Economics for Business 6cp
35101 Mathematics 1 6cp
35151 Statistics 1 6cp
25300 Fundamentals of Business Finance 6cp
35102 Mathematics 2 6cp
35140 Operations Research Modelling 6cp
25556 The Financial System 6cp
35170 Introduction to Computing 6cp
35212 Linear Algebra 6cp
25503 Investment Analysis 6cp
Select one of the following: 6cp
      25410 Corporate Financial Analysis6cp 
      25558 Issues in Corporate Finance6cp 
      25421 International Financial Management6cp 
35241 Optimisation 1 6cp
35252 Statistics 2 6cp
25620 Derivative Securities 6cp
35231 Differential Equations 6cp
35321 Analysis 1 6cp
35353 Regression Analysis 6cp
25606 Financial Time Series 6cp
35361 Probability and Stochastic Processes 6cp
Select one of the following: 6cp
      35281 Numerical Methods6cp 
      35322 Analysis 26cp 
CBK90005 Country major choice 96cp
22207 Accounting Transactions and Business Decisions 6cp
25557 Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice 6cp
25555 Macroeconomics: Theory and Applications 6cp
Total 240cp

Course program

The example program shown is for a full-time student who has chosen the Germany major as the International Studies major. Other countries may be chosen from the list of majors in CBK90005; the program has the same structure but with subjects specific to the chosen country major.

Year 1
Autumn semester
22107 Accounting for Business 6cp
25115 Economics for Business 6cp
35101 Mathematics 1 6cp
35140 Operations Research Modelling 6cp
Spring semester
22207 Accounting Transactions and Business Decisions 6cp
25300 Fundamentals of Business Finance 6cp
35102 Mathematics 2 6cp
35151 Statistics 1 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
97601 German Language and Culture 1 8cp
25556 The Financial System 6cp
35212 Linear Algebra 6cp
35252 Statistics 2 6cp
Spring semester
25503 Investment Analysis 6cp
97602 German Language and Culture 2 8cp
25555 Macroeconomics: Theory and Applications 6cp
35170 Introduction to Computing 6cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
35231 Differential Equations 6cp
97603 German Language and Culture 3 8cp
Spring semester
35353 Regression Analysis 6cp
97604 German Language and Culture 4 8cp
976421 Contemporary Germany 8cp
Year 4
Autumn semester
977420 In-country Study 1: Germany 24cp
Spring semester
978420 In-country Study 2: Germany 24cp
Year 5
Autumn semester
25557 Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice 6cp
35241 Optimisation 1 6cp
25620 Derivative Securities 6cp
35321 Analysis 1 6cp
Spring semester
25606 Financial Time Series 6cp
35361 Probability and Stochastic Processes 6cp
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
35281 Numerical Methods6cp 
35322 Analysis 26cp 
Select one subject from the following: 6cp
25410 Corporate Financial Analysis6cp 
25421 International Financial Management6cp 
25558 Issues in Corporate Finance6cp 


An Honours degree, leading to the qualification of Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours) and requiring an additional year of full-time study, is available.

Other information

Further information is available from:

Further information on the International Studies program is available from the Institute on:

telephone +61 2 9514 1574
fax + 61 2 9514 1578