University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C11129v3 Graduate Certificate in International Trade Law

Award(s): Graduate Certificate in International Trade Law (GradCertLaw)
UAC code: 942417 (Autumn semester), 945417 (Spring semester)
CRICOS code: 032350B
Load credit points: 24
Course EFTSL: 0.5
Faculty/institute responsible: Law
Location: City campus

Career options
Additional admission requirements
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course diagram
Other information


The International Trade Law program allows legal practitioners and other professionals to extend their knowledge in the area of international trade law. The subjects address a range of topics underpinning current and ongoing areas of study in international trade law.

With the rapid globalisation of markets and economies over the past decade, legal practitioners and other professionals have a strong imperative to extend their expertise in this expanding area.

The course identifies a range of topics which underpin current and ongoing areas of study in international trade law, namely:

  • multilateral liberalisation of trade in goods and services: GATT 1994, GATS and WTO
  • the role of regional trading blocs: NAFTA, ASEAN, EU, CER, MERCOUSOR
  • exceptions to liberalisation: agriculture, textiles and clothing, sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures, and music and film
  • anti-dumping and countervailing duties in a global economy
  • foreign investment and the multilateral investment agreement
  • regulation of financial markets: the Asian experience
  • international commercial arbitration
  • dispute resolution and the WTO, and
  • intellectual property and trade: TRIPS.

Career options

Career options include legal practitioner or adviser to government or business specialising in international trade.


Graduate Certificate candidates may internally transfer to the Master of International Trade Law (C04149). Candidates are not awarded the Graduate Certificate but subjects undertaken within the Graduate Certificate are applied towards the Master's course.

Additional admission requirements

Applicants require a Bachelor's degree.

Course duration and attendance

The course can be completed in a minimum of one semester of full-time or one year of part-time study.

Course structure

Two streams are available within the International Trade Law program.

  • Students who hold an undergraduate legal qualification commence with a core introductory subject (6 credit points) followed by an additional three subjects (18 credit points).
  • Students who hold an undergraduate degree in a discipline other than Law commence with two core introductory subjects (12 credit points) followed by an additional two subjects (12 credit points).

The list of subjects from which the options are chosen can be found under the Master of International Trade Law (C04149) entry.

Subjects are regularly timetabled but not all subjects listed are offered in any one semester. Timetabled subjects are offered subject to sufficient student interest. The current timetable can be found at:

Course completion requirements

Select one of the following: 24cp
      STM90112 Law graduate entrant stream24cp 
      STM90113 Non-law graduate entrant stream24cp 
Total 24cp

Course diagram

Other information

Further information is available from: