The Master of Business in Management provides knowledge, skills and conceptual frameworks to enable participants to identify and resolve complex issues that will characterise the working environments of senior managers in the future. Participants acquire the conceptual and analytical skills necessary for successful management performance in a range of contexts, including the business, public and nonprofit sectors, and a variety of professional settings.
The course provides participants with knowledge and experiences to enhance their professional skills and understanding of the management of people, resources and organisational processes. An innovative, flexible structure provides students with maximum choice in selecting subjects and programs of study tailored to meet their personal and professional needs.
The Master of Business in Management is designed to meet the needs of individuals, client organisations and professional bodies for management education.
Career options include management-level positions in industry or government.
This course is part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Certificate in Management (C11021), the Graduate Diploma in Management (C07018) and the Master of Business in Management.
Applicants require one of the following:
Students may be granted a maximum of eight subjects exemptions, of which four core subjects may be approved from prior undergraduate study.
The Master of Business in Management may be completed in three years of part-time study, or one-and-a-half years of full-time study.
The Master of Business in Management totals 72 credit points and consists of a combination of core and elective subjects.
STM90630 Core subjects | 24cp | |
CBK90758 Electives | 48cp | |
Total | 72cp |
The course program is shown below.
21718 Organisation Analysis and Design | 6cp | |
21779 Management Skills | 6cp | |
21813 Managing People | 6cp | |
21827 Change Management | 6cp | |
Select 48 credit points from the following options: | 48cp | |
21006 Managing Power | 6cp | |
21717 International Management | 6cp | |
21720 Human Resource Management | 6cp | |
21730 Developing Executive Leadership | 6cp | |
21741 Value Chain Management | 6cp | |
21832 Managing for Sustainability | 6cp | |
21854 Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 6cp | |
21722 Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring | 6cp | |
21725 Organisation Development | 6cp | |
STM90641 Project electives | 18cp | |
CBK90792 Electives (Business or Law) | 12cp |
Further information is available from the Graduate School of Business on: