University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C06041v4 Graduate Diploma in Writing

Award(s): Graduate Diploma in Writing (GradDipWriting)
UAC code: 942513 (Autumn semester), 945513 (Spring semester)
CRICOS code: 032361K
Load credit points: 48
Course EFTSL: 1
Faculty/institute responsible: Humanities and Social Sciences
Location: City campus

Course aims
Career options
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


The Graduate Diploma in Writing is part of an articulated program designed to meet a range of needs for people who want to start a career in writing and for experienced writers wanting to further develop their theoretical knowledge and skills.

Course aims

Students develop:

  • both general and specific skills in writing across a range of genres, studying one genre in depth or exploring the potential of a range of genres and media
  • an ability to develop and critically revise their own work
  • an understanding of the relationships of writing practice and publication across a range of contemporary cultural forms
  • a critical knowledge of cultural and aesthetic debates, and
  • an ability to think creatively and critically about, and contribute to, developments in cultural industries.

Career options

Career options include advertising, computing, freelance writing and editing, journalism, media research, publishing, scriptwriting and editing in community organisations or government departments.


This course is part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Certificate in Writing (C11067), the Graduate Certificate in Screenwriting (C11066), the Graduate Certificate in Editing and Publishing (C11071), the Graduate Diploma in Writing, and the Master of Arts in Creative Writing (C04109).

Additional recognition of prior learning

Students who successfully complete the Graduate Diploma and who are admitted to a more advanced-level course in the program are eligible for recognition of prior learning for completed subjects in the more advanced course.

Course duration and attendance

This course is offered on a one-year full-time, or equivalent part-time basis.

Course structure

The course totals 48 credit points, and consists of one core subject, plus either a 16-credit-point Writing stream or Screenwriting stream, and three electives. Students may select subjects beyond the lists of elective subjects with the approval of the Graduate Adviser. Not all subjects are available each semester.

This course is based on foundation subjects – one for the Writing stream and one for the Screenwriting stream – which should be undertaken in the first semester. Many of the subjects have prerequisites. A full-time student undertakes 24 credit points per semester. A part-time student should undertake 16 credit points per semester.

Course completion requirements

57134 Theory and Writing 8cp
CBK90351 Writing streams 16cp
CBK90787 Electives 24cp
Total 48cp

Course program

Example programs in each of the two possible streams are given below.

Writing stream, Autumn commencing, full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
57134 Theory and Writing 8cp
57041 Advanced Narrative Writing 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
57031 Non-fiction Writing 8cp
Select 16 credit points of electives 16cp
Screenwriting stream, Autumn commencing, full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
57134 Theory and Writing 8cp
57142 Writing for the Screen 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
57101 Writing for the Camera 8cp
Select 16 credit points of electives 16cp
Writing stream, Spring commencing, full time
Year 1
Spring semester
57041 Advanced Narrative Writing 8cp
57134 Theory and Writing 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
57031 Non-fiction Writing 8cp
Select 16 credit points of electives 16cp
Screenwriting stream, Autumn commencing, part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
57134 Theory and Writing 8cp
57142 Writing for the Screen 8cp
Spring semester
57101 Writing for the Camera 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
Select 16 credit points of electives 16cp
Writing stream, Autumn commencing, part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
57134 Theory and Writing 8cp
57041 Advanced Narrative Writing 8cp
Spring semester
57031 Non-fiction Writing 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
Select 16 credit points of electives 16cp
Writing stream, Spring commencing, part time
Year 1
Spring semester
57134 Theory and Writing 8cp
57041 Advanced Narrative Writing 8cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
57031 Non-fiction Writing 8cp
Select 8 credit points of electives 8cp
Spring semester
Select 16 credit points of electives 16cp

Other information

Further information is available from the Faculty Student Centre on: