University of Technology SydneyHandbook 2007

C04102v2 Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration

CRICOS code: 030558B
Load credit points: 96
Course EFTSL: 2
Faculty/institute responsible: Engineering
Collaborating faculty/institute: Business


This program is only available to full-fee-paying international students. However, other students can complete the same course of study by enrolling in the Master of Engineering Management (C04094) and then the Master of Business Administration (C04014), Engineering Management and Policy major (MAJ08938).

Additional admission requirements
Additional recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Other information


The Faculty of Engineering together with the Faculty of Business have developed a suite of Master's degrees that provide all the advantages of a generalist Master of Business Administration and a focused engineering management program.

Additional admission requirements

Applicants require an engineering or other technological/applied science degree from a recognised tertiary institution.

There are two Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs majoring in Engineering Management and Policy available for this combination. The standard MBA requires a minimum of four years' work experience. The MBA (Limited Work Experience) requires no work experience.

Additional recognition of prior learning

Once students have completed the Master of Engineering Management they need to submit an application for recognition of prior learning, exempting up to eight subjects (48 credit points) towards the Master of Business Administration.

Course duration and attendance

This course can be completed in two years of full-time study, comprising one year each for the Master of Engineering Management and the Master of Business Administration. It is also available part time.

Attendance is available in weekly (normally evenings), block, and/or distance modes.

Course structure

To complete the Master of Engineering Management, students must complete six compulsory subjects (totalling 36 credit points) and two elective subjects (totalling 12 credit points) chosen from the list of MEM electives.

To complete the Master of Business Administration majoring in Engineering Management and Policy, students must select either the standard MBA or the MBA (Limited Work Experience). In both cases students must complete six compulsory subjects (totalling 36 credit points) and two elective subjects (totalling 12 credit points) chosen from those available in the Engineering Management and Policy major.

Course completion requirements

STM90465 MEM stream 48cp
Select one of the following: 48cp
      STM90565 MBA stream48cp 
      STM90464 MBA-LWE stream48cp 
Total 96cp

Course program

The lists of requirements for the Master of Engineering Management and the Master of Business Administration (including the MBA (Limited Work Experience)) are shown below.

Master of Engineering Management
49001 Judgment and Decision Making 6cp
22784 Accounting: Concepts and Applications 6cp
21867 Managing People: Concepts and Applications 6cp
49002 Managing Projects 6cp
49004 Systems Engineering for Managers 6cp
49309 Quality Planning and Analysis 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
49006 Risk Management in Engineering6cp 
49013 Managing Information Technology in Engineering6cp 
49012 Project Management Support Systems6cp 
49306 Quality and Operations Management Systems6cp 
49016 Technology and Innovation Management6cp 
Master of Business Administration
21718 Organisation Analysis and Design 6cp
25706 Economics for Management 6cp
24734 Marketing Management 6cp
25742 Financial Management 6cp
21715 Strategic Management 6cp
21720 Human Resource Management 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
49006 Risk Management in Engineering6cp 
49013 Managing Information Technology in Engineering6cp 
49306 Quality and Operations Management Systems6cp 
49016 Technology and Innovation Management6cp 
49012 Project Management Support Systems6cp 
Master of Business Administration (LWE)
21865 Organisational Analysis and Design: Concepts and Applications 6cp
25745 Economics: Concepts and Applications 6cp
24746 Marketing: Concepts and Applications 6cp
25746 Financial Management: Concepts and Applications 6cp
21866 Human Resource Management: Concepts and Applications 6cp
21715 Strategic Management 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
49006 Risk Management in Engineering6cp 
49013 Managing Information Technology in Engineering6cp 
49306 Quality and Operations Management Systems6cp 
49016 Technology and Innovation Management6cp 
49012 Project Management Support Systems6cp 
Autumn commencing full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49001 Judgment and Decision Making 6cp
49002 Managing Projects 6cp
49006 Risk Management in Engineering 6cp
49309 Quality Planning and Analysis 6cp
Spring semester
21867 Managing People: Concepts and Applications 6cp
22784 Accounting: Concepts and Applications 6cp
49004 Systems Engineering for Managers 6cp
49016 Technology and Innovation Management 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
21718 Organisation Analysis and Design 6cp
49306 Quality and Operations Management Systems 6cp
49013 Managing Information Technology in Engineering 6cp
25706 Economics for Management 6cp
Spring semester
21715 Strategic Management 6cp
21720 Human Resource Management 6cp
24734 Marketing Management 6cp
25742 Financial Management 6cp
Spring commencing full time
Year 1
Spring semester
49001 Judgment and Decision Making 6cp
49002 Managing Projects 6cp
49004 Systems Engineering for Managers 6cp
49016 Technology and Innovation Management 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
49006 Risk Management in Engineering 6cp
49309 Quality Planning and Analysis 6cp
21867 Managing People: Concepts and Applications 6cp
22784 Accounting: Concepts and Applications 6cp
Spring semester
21718 Organisation Analysis and Design 6cp
49306 Quality and Operations Management Systems 6cp
49013 Managing Information Technology in Engineering 6cp
25706 Economics for Management 6cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
21715 Strategic Management 6cp
21720 Human Resource Management 6cp
24734 Marketing Management 6cp
25742 Financial Management 6cp
Autumn commencing part time
Year 1
Autumn semester
49002 Managing Projects 6cp
49016 Technology and Innovation Management 6cp
Spring semester
49001 Judgment and Decision Making 6cp
49004 Systems Engineering for Managers 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
49006 Risk Management in Engineering 6cp
49309 Quality Planning and Analysis 6cp
Spring semester
21867 Managing People: Concepts and Applications 6cp
22784 Accounting: Concepts and Applications 6cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
21718 Organisation Analysis and Design 6cp
49306 Quality and Operations Management Systems 6cp
Spring semester
49013 Managing Information Technology in Engineering 6cp
25706 Economics for Management 6cp
Year 4
Autumn semester
21715 Strategic Management 6cp
21720 Human Resource Management 6cp
Spring semester
24734 Marketing Management 6cp
25742 Financial Management 6cp

Other information

Further information is available from the Engineering Outreach Office on: