Alphabetical list of majors

Numerical list of majors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | P | Q | S | T | U | V | W | Y


Aboriginal Studies MAJ09368
Aboriginal Studies and Community Adult Education MAJ09373
Aboriginal Studies and Language, Literacy and Numeracy MAJ09372
Accounting MAJ08437
Accounting and Corporate Governance MAJ08045
Accounting and Enterprise Systems MAJ08049
Accounting and Finance MAJ08934
Accounting Performance Reporting MAJ08050
Adult Education MAJ07067
Advanced Nursing Practice MAJ06213
Advertising and Promotions Management MAJ08448
Aerospace Engineering MAJ03414
Anaesthetics and Recovery Room Nursing MAJ06156
Analytical Chemistry MAJ01072
Animal Sciences MAJ01045
Animation Design MAJ10018
Applied Chemistry MAJ01079
Applied Chemistry MAJ01087
Applied Linguistics MAJ07055
Applied Microbiology MAJ01037
Applied Physics MAJ01071
Applied Physics MAJ01080
Applied Physics MAJ01088
Arts Management MAJ08935


Banking MAJ08439
Banking MAJ08936
Biomedical Science MAJ01081
Biomedical Science MAJ01090
Branding Design MAJ10016
Business Information Systems Management MAJ02080
Business Information Technology MAJ02044
Business Law MAJ09362


Canada MAJ08933
Cancer Nursing MAJ06200
Cell and Molecular Biology MAJ01035
Children's Art MAJ10006
Children's Literature and Literacy MAJ09361
Chile MAJ08918
China MAJ08919
Civil and Environmental Engineering MAJ03002
Civil and Environmental Engineering MAJ03014
Civil and Environmental Engineering MAJ03026
Civil and Environmental Engineering MAJ03412
Civil Engineering MAJ03001
Civil Engineering MAJ03025
Civil Engineering MAJ03134
Civil Engineering MAJ03013
Commerce, Business Studies and Economics MAJ07070
Commerce, Business Studies and Economics/Computing Studies MAJ07074
Commercial Law MAJ09313
Commercial Law MAJ09383
Commercial Law MAJ09388
Community Adult Education MAJ09369
Computational Mathematics MAJ01021
Computational Physics MAJ01020
Computer Control Engineering MAJ03420
Computer Control Engineering MAJ03430
Computer Control Engineering MAJ03438
Computing and Data Analytics MAJ02081
Computing Studies MAJ07073
Critical Care Nursing MAJ06162


Digitally Mediated Environments MAJ10017
Dispute Resolution MAJ09002
Dispute Resolution MAJ09320
Dispute Resolution Law MAJ09386


e-Business MAJ08052
e-Business MAJ08917
e-Business Marketing MAJ08937
e-Learning MAJ07056
Ecology MAJ01042
Economics MAJ09209
Ecosystem Management MAJ01038
Education MAJ07044
Education MAJ07051
Education MAJ07007
Electrical Engineering MAJ03005
Electrical Engineering MAJ03413
Electrical Engineering MAJ03017
Electrical Engineering MAJ03028
Energy Planning and Policy MAJ03380
Energy Planning and Policy MAJ03439
Energy Planning and Policy MAJ03421
Engineering Management MAJ08860
Engineering Management and Policy MAJ08938
English MAJ07049
English MAJ07063
English/English as a Second Language MAJ07050
English/History MAJ07068
Enterprise Systems Development MAJ03444
Environmental Biology MAJ01078
Environmental Biology MAJ01089
Environmental Biology MAJ01082
Environmental Engineering MAJ03416
Environmental Forensics MAJ01099
Environmental Science MAJ01041
Ethics MAJ09365


Family Law MAJ09367
Family Law MAJ09385
Finance MAJ08440
Finance MAJ08940
Financial Planning MAJ08447
Forensic Biology MAJ01083
France MAJ08920
Furniture Design MAJ04005


General Management MAJ08476
Geography/Commerce, Business Studies and Economics Major MAJ07069
Germany MAJ08921
Groundwater Management MAJ01074
Groundwater Management MAJ01096
Groundwater Management MAJ03441
Groundwater Management MAJ01039


Health Science MAJ01036
Heritage MAJ08930
History/Geography Major MAJ07071
Human Resource Development MAJ08914
Human Resource Development MAJ08953
Human Resource Management MAJ08020
Human Resources Management MAJ08446


ICT Engineering MAJ03446
ICT Engineering MAJ03448
ICT Engineering MAJ03449
ICT Engineering MAJ03447
Independent Study MAJ08931
Indonesia MAJ08922
Industrial and Intellectual Property Law MAJ09363
Industrial and Intellectual Property Law MAJ09384
Information Design MAJ10014
Information Technology MAJ02041
Information Technology Law MAJ09323
Information Technology Law MAJ09387
Innovation Engineering MAJ03024
Innovation Engineering MAJ03029
Integrated Logistic Support and Engineering Management MAJ03451
Interior Lighting MAJ04004
International Business MAJ08442
International Business MAJ08941
International Law MAJ09322
International Law MAJ09382
International Marketing MAJ08478
International Trade Law MAJ09004
International Trade Law MAJ09364
International Trade Law MAJ09389
International Trade Law MAJ09381
Internetworking and Applications MAJ03445
Italy MAJ08923


Japan MAJ08924


Laboratory Pathology MAJ06009
Language, Literacy and Numeracy MAJ09370
Languages other than English MAJ07062
Latino USA MAJ09380
Law MAJ09366
Law MAJ09005
Local Government Engineering MAJ03375
Local Government Engineering MAJ03440
Local Government Engineering MAJ03422
Local Government Engineering and Environmental Engineering MAJ03443


Malaysia MAJ08925
Management MAJ08438
Management MAJ08915
Management MAJ08871
Management MAJ08955
Management MAJ08517
Management Consulting and Change MAJ08044
Managing International and Community Development MAJ08019
Manufacturing Engineering and Management MAJ03415
Manufacturing Engineering and Management MAJ03424
Manufacturing Engineering and Management MAJ03442
Marine Sciences MAJ01040
Marketing MAJ08441
Marketing MAJ08480
Mathematics MAJ07040
Mathematics MAJ01095
Mathematics MAJ07058
Mathematics MAJ01086
Mathematics/Computing Studies MAJ07066
Mathematics/Science MAJ07064
Mathematics/TAS (Computing) MAJ10011
Mathemetics/Science MAJ10013
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering MAJ03012
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering MAJ03450
Mechanical Engineering MAJ03007
Mechanical Engineering MAJ03139
Mechanical Engineering MAJ03019
Mechanical Engineering MAJ03030
Medical Biochemistry MAJ01034
Medical Microbiology MAJ01030
Medical-Surgical Nursing MAJ06071
Mental Health Nursing MAJ06153
Mexico MAJ08926


Nanotechnology MAJ01085
Nanotechnology MAJ01091
Nanotechnology MAJ01098
Neonatal Nursing MAJ06151
Neuroscience Nursing MAJ06161
Nurse Practitioner MAJ06214


Paediatric Nursing MAJ06152
Perioperative Nursing MAJ06159
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education MAJ07041
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education MAJ07060
Pharmacology MAJ01073
Photomedia MAJ10015
Physiology MAJ01025
Plant Biotechnology MAJ01043
Professional Accounting MAJ08483
Project Management MAJ08484
Project Management MAJ08956
Public Communication MAJ08947


Quantitative Management Science MAJ01024


Science MAJ07042
Science MAJ07061
Science Management MAJ01097
Science/Computing Studies MAJ07065
Science/TAS (Computing) MAJ10012
Software Engineering MAJ03379
Software Engineering MAJ03432
Software Engineering MAJ03425
Spain MAJ08927
Sport Management MAJ08051
Sport Management MAJ08445
Statistics MAJ01023
Strategic Information Technology MAJ02045
Strategic Management MAJ08018
Structural Engineering MAJ03378
Structural Engineering MAJ03433
Structural Engineering MAJ03426
Switzerland MAJ08932


Technology and Applied Studies MAJ07047
Telecommunication Networks MAJ03385
Telecommunication Networks MAJ03427
Telecommunication Networks MAJ03434
Telecommunications Engineering MAJ03382
Telecommunications Engineering MAJ03435
Telecommunications Engineering MAJ03428
Telecommunications Engineering and Telecommunication Networks MAJ03431
Telecommunications Engineering and Telecommunication Networks MAJ03437
Thailand MAJ08928
Tourism MAJ08443
Tourism Management MAJ08945


Urban Horticulture Plant Sciences MAJ05002


Value Chain Management MAJ08016
Visual Arts MAJ07048
Visual Arts MAJ07059
Vocational Education MAJ09371


Water Engineering MAJ03372
Water Engineering MAJ03436
Water Engineering MAJ03429


Youth Performance Studies MAJ10007