MAJ03012 Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering

48610 Introduction to Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering 6cp
48023 Object-oriented Programming 6cp
48621 Manufacturing Engineering 6cp
48620 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering 6cp
48331 Mechanics of Solids 6cp
48430 Embedded C 6cp
48510 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 6cp
48520 Electronics and Circuits 6cp
48640 Machine Dynamics 6cp
48641 Fluid Mechanics 6cp
48650 Mechanical and Manufacturing Design 6cp
48622 Mechatronics 1 6cp
48642 Strength of Engineering Materials 6cp
48623 Mechatronics 2 6cp
48651 Thermodynamics 6cp
48531 Electromechanical Systems 6cp
48660 Dynamics and Control 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
48012 Capstone Project12cp 
48016 Capstone Project Part A6cp 
48026 Capstone Project Part B6cp 
Total 114cp