MAJ08933 Canada

The French language, traditionally the language of diplomacy, is shared by many other countries throughout the world, and the Francophone element of this major reflects this by including partner universities in Québec. A participant in the G8 group, Canada claims a place on the world stage in terms of economics, business, politics and culture. Geographically huge, the country extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and combines the extremes of snowy winters and hot summers. The history of Canada can be traced back to its indigenous peoples through colonisation by France and the United Kingdom, to independence. More recently, calls for autonomy have been made from Québec, culturally distinct, and with a reputation for artistic, cinematic and literary production second only to France in the Francophone world.

Students spend two consecutive semesters studying at Université Laval, Québec City.

The location and content of each student's period of In-country Study in Canada (Québec) is determined by the level of their language competence in French. Generally speaking, students who have a sound working knowledge of French before their entrance to UTS – usually defined as HSC 3-unit or a good pass in 2-unit French – can study an appropriate two-semester program of host university subjects broadly relating to Francophone language, society and culture.

All other students spend a first semester engaged in the study of language and culture, going on to a second semester of subjects chosen more broadly from the university's curriculum.

Students are assessed on each semester separately. Assessment is based on the subjects studied at the host university, as well as assessments administered by the Institute for International Studies.

Students should be aware that costs of living in Canada are generally slightly higher than in Australia, though the cost of student accommodation is reasonable and it is possible to spend a year on an amount roughly comparable to living away from home in Sydney.


Québec City

Described as the cradle of French civilisation in North America, Québec City is the capital of the province. Dating back to 1608, when the city began as a fur-trading post, Québec's architecture reflects its position as a crossroads between Europe and America, earning it a place among UNESCO's world heritage sites. With a culture combining French, British, North American and indigenous traditions, the city has a population of over half a million. The natural environment is equally magnificent: with the St Lawrence river at its heart, the province is characterised by forests, lakes and mountains and enjoys contrasting climates of hot summers, snowy winters (ideal for skiing, snowboarding, skating and other activities, as well as providing a Christmas card cityscape) and spectacular Autumns.

Université Laval, founded in 1852, is the oldest French language university in America. Its student population of almost 35,000 enjoys a rich calendar of extra-curricular activities. Faculties include Science and Engineering, Health Sciences, Arts, and Social Sciences and Management, and students can choose from a wide range of options relating to French and Québecois culture and society.

Completion requirements

Select one of the following: 8cp
      50140 Comparative Social Change8cp 
      76600 International Legal Studies8cp 
976602 Contemporary Canada (Quebec) 8cp
977541 In-country Study 1: Canada 24cp
978541 In-country Study 2: Canada 24cp
CBK90483 French Language and Culture 32cp
Total 96cp