MAJ01096 Groundwater Management

One of today's most prominent challenges, both on a global and a local scale, is the scarcity of water. Aquifers can be a rich source of water in places where rainwater is in short supply. Courses in groundwater management at UTS teach you how to analyse aquifer behaviour in response to hydraulic stresses and human interaction with the environment. It also give you knowledge into water resource investigation, contaminated sites, water policy and underground mining's environmental impacts.

This area of study is mostly suitable for those with a background in engineering or science/environmental science including but not exclusive to geology, maths and physics.

UTS graduates who have specialised in groundwater management are in very high demand. The subjects in this major are predominantly distance or block-mode based.

Completion requirements

CBK90230 Elective 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
49551 Surface Hydrology and Groundwater6cp 
49555 Groundwater Modelling6cp 
66014 Hydrogeology6cp 
66015 Hydrogeochemistry6cp 
Total 24cp