MAJ03449 ICT Engineering

48410 Introduction to ICT Engineering 6cp
48023 Object-oriented Programming 6cp
48441 Introductory Digital Systems 6cp
48510 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 6cp
48541 Signal Theory 6cp
48720 Network Fundamentals 6cp
48471 ICT Analysis 6cp
48481 ICT Design 6cp
STM90652 Capstone Project 12cp
Select 48 credit points from the following options: 48cp
SMJ03040 Software48cp 
SMJ03043 Computer Systems48cp 
SMJ03046 Telecommunications48cp 
CBK90361 Software option18cp 
CBK90362 Digital Electronics option18cp 
CBK90363 Embedded Systems option18cp 
CBK90364 Signals option18cp 
CBK90365 Networks option18cp 
CBK90367 ICT choice12cp 
Total 108cp