The Professional Accounting major offers graduates in disciplines other than accounting and non-university qualified accountants, such as TAFE Diplomates with extensive accounting experience, the opportunity to meet the academic qualifications necessary for professional membership of CPA Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia.
Industry demand for work readiness expertise in the accounting profession has never been higher. As well as expecting superior professionals, employers now require accountants to be good team players with excellent interpersonal skills, and a mature understanding of the business environment in which they operate.
Students are provided the opportunity to acquire knowledge necessary for the development of information products to assess an organisation's performance using leading-edge accounting methods and practices. This includes measuring environmental risk, examining the adequacy of governance and control mechanisms, addressing the effectiveness of quality management processes, assessing control over treasury operations, and benchmarking corporate strategy development.
22705 Management Planning and Control | 6cp | |
22730 Assurance for Business Systems and Information | 6cp | |
22743 Business Valuation and Financial Analysis | 6cp | |
22748 Financial Reporting and Analysis | 6cp | |
22753 Business Analysis | 6cp | |
22754 Corporate Accounting | 6cp | |
77938 Introduction to Taxation Law | 6cp | |
77947 Companies and Securities Law | 6cp | |
Total | 48cp |