MAJ03424 Manufacturing Engineering and Management

The Manufacturing Engineering and Management major allows students to upgrade skills and knowledge gained from an undergraduate mechanical/manufacturing engineering degree to advanced areas of mechanical engineering as well as manufacturing engineering and management.

Students can choose from a diverse range of subjects covering a number of different aspects, including:

  • operation of factories including material handling, air-conditioning, project management, air and noise pollution
  • advanced design and analysis of manufacturing processes including CAD/CAM, optimal design and decision making, flow modelling, vibration analysis, internal combustion engines, turbine machines, and
  • quality and operations management systems, IT and innovation management in manufacturing.

This major is widely recognised and aims to educate technical specialists and managers of tomorrow in manufacturing technologies and management, and prepare them for the challenging demands of leadership roles in manufacturing and management in a global economy.

Completion requirements

CBK90230 Elective 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
49002 Managing Projects6cp 
49307 Internal Combustion Engines6cp 
49312 Advanced Flow Modelling6cp 
49316 Materials Handling6cp 
49321 Energy Conversion6cp 
49322 Airconditioning6cp 
49323 Vibration Analysis6cp 
49325 Computer-aided Mechanical Design6cp 
49328 Turbomachines6cp 
49049 Air and Noise Pollution6cp 
49928 Optimisation Methods and Applications in Engineering6cp 
Total 24cp