MAJ08937 e-Business Marketing

The E-business major provides participants with the opportunity to acquire knowledge on new and emerging e-business technologies for application within academic and practical marketing contexts. These areas include customer relationship management (CRM), marketing knowledge management, marketing web services, real-time marketing and a range of concepts associated with computer-mediated environments (CMEs). Participants are encouraged to strategically assess these and other emerging areas from human, organisational and technological perspectives.

Completion requirements

24737 e-Business Marketing 6cp
Select 42 credit points from the following options: 42cp
24706 Services Marketing6cp 
24715 Strategic Marketing for e-Business6cp 
24716 Research Project in e-Business Marketing6cp 
24724 Global e-Business Marketing6cp 
77887 Legal Issues in e-Commerce6cp 
24742 New Product Management6cp 
24747 Customer Relationship Management6cp 
24736 Marketing Communications6cp 
24720 Marketing Research6cp 
24714 Marketing Creativity6cp 
Total 48cp