MAJ09323 Information Technology Law

Select 30 credit points from the following options: 30cp
77903 Copyright Law 16cp 
77904 Copyright Law 26cp 
77920 Current Issues in Biomedical Law and Bioethics6cp 
77893 Designs Law and Practice6cp 
77915 Electronic Communications Law6cp 
77793 Information Technology Law6cp 
77998 Introduction to Cybercrime6cp 
77887 Legal Issues in e-Commerce6cp 
77722 Media Law (PG)6cp 
77898 Patent Law6cp 
77886 Telecommunications and Media Law6cp 
78015 Global Aspects of Intellectual Property Law6cp 
77889 Trade Marks Law6cp 
77890 Trade Marks Practice6cp 
78036 Technology, Law and the Future of Entertainment6cp 
78038 Trial Advocacy6cp 
Total 30cp