MAJ03440 Local Government Engineering

The Local Government Engineering major has been designed, for the most part, for engineers, technical staff and managers who work for water boards, roads authorities, in Local Government or for consultancies providing services to Local Government.

Depending on options chosen, the contents may include elements of NSW Local Government legislation, local road design, asset maintenance management and planning for the environment.

This major is only suitable for domestic students, as it contains content that is heavily focused on specific elements of NSW legislation and planning guidelines.

Awarding of this major on an academic transcript also requires the completion of a graduate project in this broad discipline area.

Completion requirements

Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
49102 Traffic and Transportation6cp 
49104 Asset Maintenance Management6cp 
49105 Water Supply and Wastewater Management6cp 
49106 Road Engineering Practice6cp 
49107 Urban Stormwater Design6cp 
49108 Local Government Powers and Practice6cp 
49121 Environmental Assessment and Planning6cp 
49126 Environmental Management of Land6cp 
Total 24cp