Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago (17,000 islands). Its vast population of over 200 million, rich cultural diversity and relative accessibility make the study of Indonesia an extremely attractive option for Australian students. The Indonesian language and culture program accepts students with varying degrees of language ability, ranging from complete beginners to advanced levels. UTS is a member of the Australia–Indonesia Consortium for In-country Studies, and students undertaking the Indonesia major in the International Studies program study in Indonesia with other students from all over Australia under its auspices.
Students spend two consecutive semesters studying language and culture at the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, through arrangements made by the Institute. Depending on their level of language competence, students choose one of three options each semester. These are: study of language and culture; immersion, i.e. attendance at university courses on Indonesian culture and society; or participation in a field study program. Students are assessed on each semester separately and assessment is based on the subjects undertaken at the host institution, as well as project work administered by the Institute for International Studies.
Students may expect that no greater costs are incurred through undertaking a period of In-country Study in Indonesia than are involved in living away from home in Sydney.
Yogyakarta is in central Java. It is one of the art centres of Indonesia, with an array of fine architecture, cultural offerings, performing arts, visual arts and intricate crafts. It also has a rich political and social history, being the site of nationalist revolutionary activity during the mid-1940s and the centre of an active sultanate. The region is given a distinguished place by the Indonesian government, being designated Daerah Istiméwa (special region).
The history of Universitas Gadjah Mada dates back to 1946 when, during the turmoil of the independence struggle, a private foundation was established in Yogyakarta by a group of Indonesian intellectuals and nationalists under the auspices of the Sultan. Now it is one of the largest and most prestigious universities in the country.
Select one of the following: | 8cp | |
50140 Comparative Social Change | 8cp | |
76600 International Legal Studies | 8cp | |
976301 Contemporary Southeast Asia | 8cp | |
977310 In-country Study 1: Indonesia | 24cp | |
978310 In-country Study 2: Indonesia | 24cp | |
CBK90482 Indonesian Language and Culture | 32cp | |
Total | 96cp |