MAJ03001 Civil Engineering

48310 Introduction to Civil Engineering 6cp
48321 Statics 6cp
60101 Chemistry and Materials Science 6cp
48331 Mechanics of Solids 6cp
48330 Soil Behaviour 6cp
48641 Fluid Mechanics 6cp
48340 Construction 6cp
48352 Construction Materials 6cp
48221 Informatics: Visual Basic 6cp
48320 Surveying 6cp
48362 Hydraulics and Hydrology 6cp
48360 Geotechnical Engineering 6cp
48006 Capstone Project 6cp
Select 36 credit points from the following options: 36cp
STM90496 Civil stream36cp 
STM90493 Structures stream36cp 
STM90494 Construction stream36cp 
STM90497 Materials Stream36cp 
STM90495 Water stream36cp 
Total 114cp