MAJ08445 Sport Management

The Sport Management major provides a comprehensive understanding of management and marketing theories and practices within the increasingly dynamic and specialist context in which sport is played, organised and managed. Graduates possess knowledge and skills in the management of sport experiences and resources, marketing and promotion of events and current issues affecting sport globally. This major is offered at Kuring-gai campus only.

Completion requirements

27307 Sport Management 6cp
27161 Sport Marketing 6cp
27252 The Sport Industry 6cp
27253 Sport in the Global Marketplace 6cp
Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
27103 The Olympic Games6cp 
27703 Events Management6cp 
27216 Leisure Services and Facility Management6cp 
27172 Applied Sport Psychology6cp 
27316 Leisure and Fitness Centre Operations6cp 
27628 Law for Leisure, Sport and Tourism6cp 
Total 48cp