MAJ08044 Management Consulting and Change

The Management Consulting major is suitable for students who aspire to be management consulting practitioners who specialise in professional management consulting as internal or external consultants offering services to organisational clients. It is also relevant to those currently working or likely to work in specialised fields, such as reward systems, organisation design, quality, management information technology or business strategy. These fields are becoming increasingly integrated with a management consulting process orientation. The major is also relevant to those who, as current or potential managers or administrators, have gained or seek to gain competence in consulting skills and who wish to apply these skills to their own work areas, for example, expertise in introducing change and innovation in organisations.

Completion requirements

21730 Developing Executive Leadership 6cp
21008 Contemporary Issues in Management Consulting 6cp
21827 Change Management 6cp
21722 Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring 6cp
21779 Management Skills 6cp
Select one of the following: 6cp
      21725 Organisation Development6cp 
      21854 Innovation and Entrepreneurship6cp 
      21011 Managing Consulting6cp 
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
21751 Management Research Methods6cp 
21724 Strategic Human Resource Management6cp 
21012 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics6cp 
21741 Value Chain Management6cp 
21811 Global Strategic Management6cp 
Total 48cp