MAJ08446 Human Resources Management

The Human Resources Management major enables students to acquire knowledge of the theoretical bases of human resources management and employer–employee relations, in addition to developing the understandings and competencies associated with the practice of management. The major provides a look at human resources management frameworks both in Australia and internationally, as well as an understanding of the broader context in which organisations operate.

Completion requirements

21555 Human Resource Management 6cp
21306 Employment Relations in the Global Context 6cp
21407 Strategic Human Resource Management 6cp
21037 Managing Employee Relations 6cp
Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
21036 Managing Strategic Performance6cp 
21440 Management Skills6cp 
21221 Organisational Structure and Change6cp 
013097 Human Resource Development in Organisations6cp 
79013 Industrial and Labour Law6cp 
Total 48cp