MAJ03431 Telecommunications Engineering and Telecommunication Networks

This major allows students who have a solid background in telecommunications to deepen technical skills and knowledge. It is effectively a superset of the Telecommunication Engineering major and the Telecommunication Networks major, without the requirement to complete any broadening or engineering management subjects. This major is suitable for students who want to go on to highly technical careers in the telecommunication industry, or in research and development.

Completion requirements

49202 Communication Protocols 6cp
49238 Telecommunication Networks Management 6cp
49215 Telecommunications Industry Management 6cp
49205 Transmission Systems 6cp
Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
49201 Integrated Services Networks6cp 
49203 Telecommunications Signal Processing6cp 
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies6cp 
49099 GSM, GPRS and EDGE Technologies6cp 
49100 Advanced Wireless Networks6cp 
49207 Advanced Concepts in Microwave and Mobile Communications6cp 
49219 Emerging Internetworking Protocols6cp 
49220 Real-time Signal Processing in Telecommunications6cp 
49223 Satellite Communication Systems6cp 
49262 Web Technologies6cp 
49265 Software Technologies6cp 
49266 Software Architecture and Middleware6cp 
49110 3G Mobile Communication Systems6cp 
Total 48cp