This combination major allows candidates to learn technical skills and knowledge from both the Local Government engineering and Environmental Engineering areas in the Master of Enginering Studies, without the requirement of needing to complete management subjects as is the case with the single majors.
49108 Local Government Powers and Practice | 6cp | |
49121 Environmental Assessment and Planning | 6cp | |
49126 Environmental Management of Land | 6cp | |
49123 Waste and Pollution Management | 6cp | |
Select 24 credit points from the following options: | 24cp | |
49049 Air and Noise Pollution | 6cp | |
49102 Traffic and Transportation | 6cp | |
49104 Asset Maintenance Management | 6cp | |
49106 Road Engineering Practice | 6cp | |
49107 Urban Stormwater Design | 6cp | |
49122 Ecology and Sustainability | 6cp | |
49124 Water Quality Management | 6cp | |
49125 Environmental Risk Assessment | 6cp | |
49127 On-site Water and Wastewater Treatment | 6cp | |
49109 Engineered Natural Water Treatment Systems | 6cp | |
Total | 48cp |