MAJ01085 Nanotechnology

33190 Mathematical Modelling for Science 6cp
33290 Statistics and Mathematics for Science 6cp
60103 Nanosciences 1 6cp
60302 Scanned Probe and Electron Microscopy 6cp
60401 Nanomaterials 6cp
65101 Chemistry 1C 6cp
65201 Chemistry 2C 6cp
65307 Physical Chemistry 1 6cp
67509 Molecular Nanotechnology 6cp
68101 Foundations of Physics 6cp
67101 Introduction to Materials 6cp
68201 Physics in Action 6cp
67510 Surface Processes 6cp
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
33360 Mathematics for Physical Science6cp 
68413 Quantum Technology6cp 
68606 Solid-state Science and Nanodevices6cp 
60601 BioNanotechnology6cp 
91313 Biomolecules: Structure and Function6cp 
60504 Research, Technology and Innovation6cp 
Total 96cp