SMJ08066 Human Resources Management

The Human Resource Management sub-major provides students with the skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to effectively contribute to an organisation's human resource management (HRM) functions as part of a broader management role. The sub-major introduces students to the frameworks governing and influencing HRM and aims to develop an understanding of HRM as applied in Australian and international contexts. The sub-major develops students' critical analysis skills, understanding of the role of communication and information technology and appreciation of ethical issues in HRM through the study of HRM structures, systems and processes as well as strategic approaches to the field of HRM.

Completion requirements

Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
21724 Strategic Human Resource Management6cp 
21702 Industrial Relations6cp 
21760 Performance Management6cp 
21775 Comparative International Employment Relations6cp 
21833 Strategic Management of the Global Workforce6cp 
Total 24cp