SMJ08078 Health Management

The health industry is one of the biggest and most diversified industries in Australia and globally, involving public, private and not-for-profit provision. A large percentage of Gross Domestic Product is expended on health care in most developed countries. The health of a nation is now regarded as an essential aspect of national competitive advantage and thus, health care management is also important for developing economies. Nevertheless, in Australia, for example, while there is universal access to health care services, it is apparent that demand is often beyond the capacity of governments to supply and this situation raises many issues about management in the health care sector. This sub-major is designed to introduce students to the range of complex institutional, instrumental and dynamic managerial and political factors, in Australia and globally, which might impact upon management decision making and to provide relevant management knowledge and skills in this area to address these issues.

Completion requirements

21728 Public Sector Management 6cp
21739 Health Funding Policy and Resource Management 6cp
26703 Introductory Health Economics 6cp
92794 Power and Politics in Health Care 6cp
Total 24cp