SMJ08098 Accounting Information and Business Modelling

The Accounting Information and Business Modelling sub-major provides participants with a comprehensive range of skills and expertise that links traditional knowledge and state-of-the-art knowledge about business, the accounting profession, information customers, information technology and information systems. Participants have the opportunity to acquire knowledge about business organisations, their activities, processes and the information needs of stakeholders and the accounting methods and procedures used in the development of accounting information system to satisfy the many and varied information demands of the stakeholders.

Completion requirements

22708 Accounting Information Systems 6cp
22759 Accounting and ERP 6cp
22797 Business Intelligence 1: Advanced Analysis 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
22753 Business Analysis6cp 
22746 Managerial Accounting6cp 
22783 Business Intelligence 2: Advanced Planning6cp 
Total 24cp